Saturday, March 21, 2020
French Expressions Using Prendre - to Take
French Expressions Using Prendre - to Take The irregular French verb prendre means to take and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. This flexible irregular French -re verb has a specific way to use it. Watch out for the Sexual Meaning of Prendre We hope not to offend anybody here but it’s a mistake we often hear and that can be quite embarrassing in French. Prendre used with a person has a sexual meaning, just like take has in English.So, do say:Il m’a emmenà ©e au cinà ©ma he took me to the theaterIl est passà © me prendre midi He picked me up at noonbut don’t sayIl m’a prise dans sa voiture - he took me in his car - which definitely has another meaning in French. You need amener/emmener here. Say Prendre Une Dcision (Not Faire) We say to take a decision, we don’t use make (faire). It’s a mistake you’ll also hear French people make in English.Ce n’est pas toujours facile de prendre une dà ©cision.It’s not always easy to make a decision. Expressions With Prendre Etre prisTo be tied up/busyJe ne peux pas venir samedi, je suis dà ©j prise.I can’t come on Saturday, I already have plans. Passer prendre quelquunTo go pick someone upTu peux passer me prendre vers midi ?Can you come get me around noon? Prendre gauche/droiteTo turn left/rightAprà ¨s le feu, tu prends droite.After the signal, take a right. Prendre un pot/ un verre (informal)To have a drinkTu veux prendre un pot samedi soir?Would you like to have a drink Saturday night? Prendre lairTo get a breath of fresh air/take a strollJ’aime bien prendre l’air vers sept heures.I enjoy going for a stroll around 7 PM. Prendre bien la choseto take something wellQuand il m’a dit qu’il ne viendrait pas, je l’ai trà ¨s mal pris.When he told me he wouldn’t come, I didn’t take it well. Prendre leauto leak; to founderMon sac à ©tanche prend l’eau.My waterproof bag leaks. Prendre feuTo catch fireAprà ¨s l’accident, la voiture a pris feu.After the accident, the car caught on fire. Prendre fin (formal)To come to an endLe film prend fin.The movie is coming to an end. Prendre froidTo catch a coldTu devrais mettre un pull, tu vas prendre froid.You should put a sweater on, you’re going to catch a cold. Prendre garde (formal)To be careful, watch outAttention ! Prenez garde vous !Careful ! Be cautious ! Prendre goà »t quelquun/ quelque chose (formal)To take a liking to someone / somethingFinalement, j’aime bien jouer au tennis. J’ai mis le temps, mais j’y ai pris goà »t.At the end, I like playing tennis. It took me some time but it grew onto me. Prendre la mer (very old fashion)To set sail, to put out to seaLe bateau a pris la mer en juin.The boat set sail in June. Prendre au pied de la lettreTo take literallyNe prends pas tout au pied de la lettre !Don’t take everything so literally. Prendre du poidsTo gain weight Noà «l, je prends toujours du poids.At Christmas time, I always gain weight. Prendre quelquun la main dans le sacto catch someone red-handedJ’ai pris mon fils la main dans le sac.I caught my son red-handed. Prendre rendez-vous avecTo make an appointment withJe voudrais prendre rendez-vous avec le directeur.I’d like to make an appointment with the director. Prendre sa retraiteTo retire (from work)Il va prendre sa retraite l’annà ©e prochaine.He is going to retire next year. Prendre ses jambes son couto run offQuand la police est arrivà ©e, le voleur a pris ses jambes son cou.When the police arrived, the thief ran away. Prendre son courage deux mainsto get up ones courageJ’ai pris mon courage deux mains et je lui ai tout dit.I gathered up my courage and told her everything. Quest-ce qui ta pris ?Whats gotten into you?Pourquoi tu as pleurà © soudainement ? Qu’est-ce qui t’a pris ?Why did you suddenly cried? What’s gotten into you? Se prendre (pour)to consider oneself (as)Mais, elle se prend pour qui cette fille?but, who does she think she is, that girl? Sen prendre quelquunto pick on someone, lay into someone (could be physical, mental, light or serious)Quand il est en colà ¨re, il s’en prend toujours sa femme.When he is angry, he always picks at his wife. Sy prendreto go about doing somethingComment tu t’y prends pour ne jamais te faire prendre ?How do you go about it to never get caught? Sy prendre comme un piedto have a wrong way to do something, to do a poor job.Ce n’est pas comme à §a qu’on dà ©coupe un poulet. Tu t’y prends comme un pied.That’s not the way to cut a chicken. You’re doing a very poor job.
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