Saturday, May 23, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
The New U.s. Shipping Act Of 1984 - 1544 Words
The new U.S. Shipping Act, signed into law by President Reagan on March 10, 1984. The Shipping Act of 1984 altered and replaced what was in the previous Shipping Act of 1916. Some of the things which the Shipping Act of 1984 were different were that markets, industry, microeconomics, law, and regulations were all different since the Act of 1916. The Shipping Act of 1916 made all conference agreements subject to approval by the Federal Maritime Commission, or FMC for short. On August 3, 1981, Senator Gorton introduced a bill (S. 1593) to revise U.S. regulation of international liner shipping. This bill was the forerunner of the current Shipping Act of 1984. Where the Shipping Act of 1916 left unclear as to whether the FMC had ultimate†¦show more content†¦Although U.S. law has acknowledged the constructive role of conferences in the liner trades since the Shipping Act of 1916, the American commitment to free trade and competition has led Congress to disallow many features of international conferences. Most importantly, the Shipping Act of 1916 required shipping conferences transporting the foreign commerce of the United States to offer membership to any liner carrier capable of engaging in such service. U.S. conferences are therefore termed open conferences. A conference agreement had to meet a strict antitrust standard in order to be approved. Deferred rebates were illegal and the freedom of carriers to tie. S. 1593 provided for the following: (1) Legalization of closed conferences. (2) A broad scope of conference activities to enable carriers to discuss and fix prices and conditions of service, pool earnings and traffic, allot ports, regulate sailings, limit the volume and character of cargo carried, engage in exclusive working arrangements, enter into agreements to regulate and prevent competition among themselves, and bring intermodal cargo transportation under the ambit of permissible conference agreements. (3) Use of loyalty contracts, except deferred rebates. (4) Absolute antitrust immunity for ocean common carriers engaging in any activities described in (1), (2), or (3), above. (5) A limited right
Monday, May 11, 2020
Counseling Theory And Methods Of A Counselor - 815 Words
Counseling Theory and Methods II- Case Study As a potential counselor, one must commit 700 hours of practicum/internship hours in order to complete the Counseling Psychology M.A program. During this internship process, a counselor will have to cultivate many case conceptualization to help their clients. By creating case conceptualizations, not only will it be the foundation for a treatment plan for the client, but it will encourage self-growth for the counselor as well. As each therapist has their own preference of conceptualizations, this specific case conceptualization will focus on the client’s identifying information, counselor’s choice of evidence-based practice, health symptoms and signs of psychopathology, interventions, level of attachment style, and the main role of the therapist. Identifying Information Carla Rivers is a 38 year old Caucasian, heterosexual, married, raped survivor female. Along with being married for 14 years, she is a mother of three children and is a practicing Christian. While she is a stay home mom, she is active in educational and religious commitments. It is noteworthy to indicate Carla does not have any hobbies nor have close social/friendships. Furthermore, Carla’s physical appearance seems well-groomed, ordinary and simple. For the most part Carla is physically healthy besides dealing with an intestinal disorder. From a mental health standpoint, the quality of Carla’s speech was within normal limits, attention and cognitive functioningShow MoreRelatedMental Health Counseling Essay example828 Words  | 4 PagesTheories play an important role in how a counselor serves their clients. Theories provide counselors with a foundation on which to build their counseling style. â€Å"Theories ground us as professional counselors. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Critical Response - 1401 Words
11 June 2013 A Critical Response to â€Å"Delicate Friend†The essay â€Å"Delicate Friend†written by Lauren Jackson is about her social addiction to cigarettes. Lauren’s mother would smoke cigarettes with her friends in the kitchen of their home while gossiping and keeping the children out. Lauren was jealous of this secret group and saw smoking as the bond that brought it all together. Lauren sought to be part of something and she saw cigarettes as the answer to this problem. While perfecting the art of stealing an occasional cigarette she become part of a group, the smokers. Lauren found acceptance and courage and used cigarettes as a social crutch throughout her life. Lauren believes cigarettes taught her life lessons and that is why she†¦show more content†¦When an individual smokes weed on a regular basis he or she may be named a â€Å"stoner†and is granted admission to the other â€Å"stoners†. When someone is known for drinking until drunk on various occasions he may be considered a â€Å"partier†and is grouped with the infamous â€Å"partiers†. An example of the simplicity of just being assigned a name is shown in â€Å"Delicate Friend†when Jackson states, â€Å"I quickly joined up with â€Å"The Bad Girls.†I was someone†(Jackson 71). The recognition and audacity brought upon by drugs and alcohol is key to their value as socializing components. Most people have heard of the term â€Å"liquid confidence†which is given to alcohol because of its tendency to give people the confidence to do things they wouldn’t generally be able to do because of embarrassment and lack of confidence. Not only do these substances give individuals confidence they generally wouldn’t have it also gives them an excuse to do things that generally wouldn’t be seen as â€Å"right†and removes the awkwardness that may make them search for recognition. Jackson presents a n example of these ideas in stating, â€Å"What I found in those tight little rolls of tobacco was acceptance and courage†(Jackson 70). This brings a story of Josh Hamilton to mind. Josh Hamilton was once considered the greatest high school prospect to ever live, but on his way to the big leagues he played on a semiproShow MoreRelatedCreative Critical Response705 Words  | 3 PagesCREATIVE CRITICAL RESPONSE Name : Charmayne Text : Hamlet (2009) directed by Gregory Doran, starring David Tennant Context : The following CCR is written in the form of a blog made ten years after the production of the movie Hamlet from the Royal Shakespeare Company. It is written from the perspective of Gregory Doran’s daughter who is eighteen years old and studies English Literature in school. She stumbled upon one of her father’s works one day, which is Hamlet. 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The Advertiser is South Australias only daily tabloid newspaper, and is widely distributed around South Australia allowing for a large dispersion of readers from diverse cultural backgrounds and an assortment of age groups. The article has Mark Kennys photograph situatedRead MoreWriting the Critical Response3559 Words  | 15 PagesWRITING THE CRITICAL RESPONSE A critique is an analysis of and a commentary on another piece of writing. It generally focuses on technique as well as on content. A critical response essay (or interpretive essay or review) has two missions: to summarize a source’s main idea and to respond to the source’s main ideas with reactions based on your synthesis. Organization Introduction: attention-getting with a thesis statement Body: clear critical reasoning and adequate examples Summary Analysis: EvaluateRead MoreCritical Response Paper613 Words  | 3 PagesHow should the institutions be set up when organizing a new government in a country with several religious factions? I would set up a constitutional democracy with a three-tier system much like our own. The differences would be a judiciary would be independent and elected in a general election much like the states do it. The highest court would be the Constitutional court that would hear only cases pertaining to the Constitution; whereas the Supreme Court would be the highest court of appeal forRead MoreCritical Response Fahrenheit 4511592 Words  | 7 PagesThe novel â€Å"Farenheit 451†written Ray Bradbury between 1950 and 1953 is thought provoking novel which raises important concerns about what the future may hold. 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Character a. Ann – John and Ann have been married for seven years. Although it may seem after that many years of marriage, the spouses would have great communication with one another, but that isn’t what it seems to be. Ann feels desperate and isolated in what seems to beRead More The Soldier - Critical Response Essay856 Words  | 4 Pages A poem which I have read recently is â€Å"Soldier†by Rupert Brooke. The main point in question throughout this poem is appreciation for ones country. I will prove that this is the main point in question during the course of my essay. The poem â€Å"Soldier†is Brooke’s views on the possible occurrence of his own death in the field and what he feels that foreign country would gain from his death. When viewing his own death Brooke only looks at the thoughts and ways England has provided him with in the courseRead MoreCritical Response paper 1821 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Liberalism vs. Socialism When looking into different political theories there are many different views and even more political opinions on what is best for any one nation and their citizens. In order to fully understand any component of government we must understand its underlying political ideologies and the beliefs behind its policies and views. Liberalism, conservatism, socialism, fascism, feminism, and environmentalism are well known political ideologies. Each ideology has drastic differences
Peking Opera Free Essays
Peking Opera Peking Opera is China’s national opera. Opera is so popular in China that they declared a â€Å"Peking Opera Month†. Peking Opera has been around for 200 years. We will write a custom essay sample on Peking Opera or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Its main melodies originated from Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei respectively and, overtime, techniques from many other local operas were incorporated†. Peking Opera is said to have come to the front after 1790 when the famous four Anhui opera troupes came to Beijing. Peking Opera was developed quickly over the reign of Emperor Qianlong and the Empress Dowager Cixi under the imperial patron and became accessible to the common people. Peking Opera was originally performed on outside stages such as a teahouse or temple courtyards. The singers developed a piercing style of singing that could be heard over the loud orchestra. â€Å"The costumes were a garish collection of sharply contrasting colors to stand out on the dim stage illuminated by oil lamps†. Peking Opera incorporates parts from â€Å"The Grand Opera, ballet and acrobatics, consisting of dance, dialogue, monologues, martial arts and mime†. The â€Å"Nueva Cancion†Song Tradition Nueva Cancion†is Spanish for new song. Nueva Cancion â€Å"is a movement and genre within Latin American and Iberian music of folk music, folk-inspired music and socially committed music†. Nueva Cancion is seen as playing a powerful role in the social upheavals in Portugal, Spain, and Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s. Nueva Cancion started in Chile in the 1960s and was known as â€Å"The Chilean New Song†. Soon Nueva Cancion starte d to emerge in Spain and other areas of Latin America. Nueva Cancion renewed tradtitional Latin American folk music, and was soon associated with revolutionary movements, the Latin American New Left, Liberation Theology, hippie and human rights movements due to political lyrics†. Many Neuva Cancion musicians were often censored, exiled, forced to disappear and even tortured by â€Å"right-winged military dictatorships, as in Francoist Spain, Pinochet’s Chile and in Videla and Galtireri’s Argentina†. Neuva Cancion songs were so politically strong and because of this have been used in more recent â€Å"political campaigns, the Orange Revolution, which used Violeta Parra’s Gracias a la vida†. How to cite Peking Opera, Essay examples
Market Communication for McCain Package †Free Sample
Question: Construct a Creative Brief for a fast-moving consumer good (consumer packaged good) for an advertising campaign for the Singapore market? Answer: Background: Singapore is one of the Asias largest imports of food product. McCain package product of FMCG sector advertising campaign in the Singapore market (Micheaux, 2000). McCain owned the subsidiary in Canada. It aim is to provide a good and delightful fresh food, and product maintain its impeccable standard of quality. Here the job is to analysis the FMCG product in Singapore market. Since the product of McCain is French fries, smiles, chili garlic potato bites etc here the main ingredient is potatoes and the market of potatoes in Singapore is very good, the product enjoy a favorable import in Singapore which remain potatoes in fair price. FMCG industry is one of the most popular industries as per the report of Singapore. Since Singapore is known for the best growing for potatoes and my core ingredient is potatoes so thats why we launched my product in Singapore market. Target audience: STP is the major process in marketing and it relates to the 4Ps of marketing that is product, price, place promotion (Robertshaw, 2000). This 4Ps of marketing help the company to identify its target market and the strategy to place their product in consumer mind. Segmentation process helps the industry to assess their target market by using demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral. These are the some major steps which helps the industry cover to cover their segmentation part. STP Process (Liu Wu, 2013) Segmentation bases Target customer segment of fast food industry Geographic Region Singapore , Canada Age All age category Gender Male, Females and others Demographic Social status Working class, higher class, college students. Family size single, nuclear, joint family Psychographic lifestyle Modern occasions Regular and other festive seasons Behavioural Benefits price advantages occasions Parties, Birthday, festive seasons (Kim, Lee Chon, 2010) Targeting: After creating a different market segments, it time for the company to create target market and assessing analyzing which segments it will cater (Gough, 2013). Selection of the target market: Selection of target market helps the company to gain large market via brand classifications. This concept will help the company to gain strategies which will help to create niche products and services. Choose the alternatives: As per the product life cycle stage, company must look to change its strategies in order to cater the changing demand of customers (Kim, Lee Chon, 2010). Sonically responsible market targeting: While creating target plan, ensure that product is sold by the companies must be sustainable and socially responsible. Thoughts and Feelings After creating the different market segments, it time to create a target market and analyzing the segments. In this stage the companies must look to analyze the size of the market patterns and its competitors. Here my target audience is working class, college student (Kim, Lee Chon, 2010). First of all you need to create the vision and mission of the product because vision describe what you want from the company were as mission describes the purpose of the company, then the next step is essence because essence speaks the emotions that you want from the customers to feel when they experience the brand, after that the major part is personality like human personality, there is also a brand personality which speaks about the brand and the last part is brand positioning which define were your brand exists and also cite a clear product or services benefit, and also set your brand apart from you customer. Focus group is where a group of people are asked about their view points and attitude about the product, packaging etc. Objectives and Measures Here my target audience is a working class people or school student or college student etc while McCain is a package food which we can cook very easily. Obviously your target audience will feel good about your product because your product satisfied them (Hirschman Bartos, 1983). The objective toward your brand McCain is: McCain target audience is to deliver good food made with high quality and safety to their customers around the world. Their Global supply chain is to supply their customer from anywhere they want to operate. McCain aim is to invest more on science, technology which helps them to develop innovative product which will simply satisfied their target audience. Potatoes are the main ingredient of McCain, as we know potatoes is a major part and many of them dont know how to use potatoes and make different product from that. McCain use it very well and it is the global food company ranging from their normal product to pizza product. Their innovation interests are developing their platform and fulfill the needs of their target audience (Hirschman Bartos, 1983). Pricing strategy is low enough to sale their product on the other hand high enough for profit (Hu, Li Shi, 2015). Place describe B2B channel market; B2B is business to business which will help the product to get into the market. Promotion is McCain is belonging to an ethical position (Schimmel Nicholls, 2005). The main objective is to increase the positive attitude of mothers, who always say their children that potatoes are beneficial. McCain measure the environmental impacts for their operations, to set their targets audience for performance improvement and also monitor their progress against their target audience (Schimmel Nicholls, 2005). Energy unit 6% Packaging 9% Freight warehousing 14% Potatoes 28% Indirect goods and services 19% Other food ingredients 24% Behavioral Outcomes We work every day to satisfied our customer and make them smile. We keep on improving our product and our business. We keep on coming up with new idea and we dare to be different so they can satisfy their target audience. We share our idea and valued team worked. The feedback from their target audience about the particular product is McCain is easy to cook food and the pricing strategy is low and they always here to satisfied their customer and fulfill the needs of their customers. The business objectives of McCain are to maximize the profit, achieve a target market share, match with the competition etc. Positioning The positioning strategy is to create niche market for its product in the existing market which also known as the brand value of the products. Positioning help to build brand value of the product worldwide (Srivastava Thomas, 2010). Positioning strategy create the USP of the products among its competitors. It refers to the target consumers to buy your brand in preference to other. Brand positioning must sure about its unique vs. competitors, it should appropriate to all major geographic markets and businesses. Message and Medium Message created by McCain to reach their target audience is its all good, it is the message that is embedded in all aspects of McCain food. Their product is not only look good and good in test but also they provide a good quality of product which addresses consumer concerns about issues regarding their health and their origin (Schimmel Nicholls, 2005). Medium created by McCain to reach their target audience is they come up with the ad showing how easy to make and also gave the family feel the food is from outside. They came up with interesting ads campaigns and they entered a nonexistent market and it is one of the largest players in the category (Hirschman Bartos, 1983). Strategy Strategy is a method or a plan which choose you to bring about a desired future, and help you to achieved goal or give solution to a problem. Strategy are divided into different level of business are corporate strategy, Business unit strategy and operational strategy (Dalman Min, 2014). Marcom strategy is the form of marketing communication. Such as television, newspapers, internet etc. They are targeted interaction with customers and prospects of using one or more medium (Petersen, Kushwaha Kumar, 2015). Yes McCain use this marcom strategy they promote their product through television, newspapers etc. For the product McCain here describe some of the promotional strategy according to the table: Promotional program Commonly used Effective at product movement Effective at increasing store sales Would negotiate to increase funds Most likely to obtain retail support Paperless coupons ++ ++ + + Co-op television + + + ++ ++ Frequent shopper programs +++ ++ ++ + In store advertising + In ad coupons + + ++ Internet programs + Premium giveaways (Podolyakina Popova, 2014) Nitty Gritty Details Implementation of a promotional strategy Particular Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Seeking client approval 1 Promotional strategy 1 Testing 1 Implementation 1 1 Budget: Promotional program Expenses Amount($) Paperless coupons 30,000 Co-op television 45000 Frequent shopper programs 20000 In store advertising 15000 In ad coupons 10000 Internet programs 35000 Premium giveaways 9000 (Inadomi, 2006) References Dalman, M., Min, J. (2014). Marketing Strategy for Unusual Brand Differentiation: Trivial Attribute Effect.IJMS,6(5). doi:10.5539/ijms.v6n5p63 Gough, N. (2013). Targeting Dimerization.Science Signaling,6(264), ec51-ec51. doi:10.1126/scisignal.2004094 Hirschman, E., Bartos, R. (1983). The Moving Target.Journal Of Marketing,47(2), 137. doi:10.2307/1251501 Hu, M., Li, X., Shi, M. (2015). Product and Pricing Decisions in Crowdfunding.Marketing Science, 150128084113004. doi:10.1287/mksc.2014.0900 Inadomi, J. (2006). Implementing a research project: the nitty gritty.Gastrointestinal Endoscopy,64(6), S7-S10. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2006.10.038 Kim, S., Lee, H., Chon, K. (2010). Segmentation of Different Types of Hallyu Tourists Using a Multinomial Model and Its Marketing Implications.Journal Of Hospitality Tourism Research,34(3), 341-363. doi:10.1177/1096348009350646 Laspias, M. (2013). Library Marketing: A Promotional Strategy.IAMURE International Journal Of Education,5(1). doi:10.7718/iamure.ije.v5i1.431 Liu, Q., Wu, X. (2013). Research on Chengdu Vegetables Marketing Based on STP Model.ASS,9(4). doi:10.5539/ass.v9n4p221 Micheaux, A. (2000). New Marketing Strategies.J Direct Data Digit Mark Pract,1(3), 328-329. doi:10.1057/ Petersen, J., Kushwaha, T., Kumar, V. (2015). Marketing Communication Strategies and Consumer Financial Decision Making: The Role of National Culture.Journal Of Marketing,79(1), 44-63. doi:10.1509/jm.13.0479 Podolyakina, N., Popova, Y. (2014). Development of Product Promotional Strategy Considering the Risk of Non-demand.Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences,110, 805-811. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.925 Robertshaw, G. (2000). The Segmentation and Targeting of Consumers Within the Fragmenting UK Mail Order Market.Journal Of Segmentation In Marketing,4(1), 27-51. doi:10.1300/j142v04n01_03 Schimmel, K., Nicholls, J. (2005). Media Mix Elements that Motivate Online Shopping.Journal Of Website Promotion,1(1), 53-63. doi:10.1300/j238v01n01_05 Srivastava, R., Thomas, G. (2010). Managing brand performance: Aligning positioning, execution and experience.J Brand Manag,17(7), 465-471. doi:10.1057/bm.2010.11
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