Sunday, January 26, 2020
Impact Magnum Has Had On Photography Photography Essay
Impact Magnum Has Had On Photography Photography Essay Magnum Agency was created in the 1947 just after Second World War .Agency was formed by photographers themselves Henri Cartier Bresson, Robert Capa, George Rodger and David Chim Seymour. They created Magnum to show their independence as photographers but also as a people who highlighted not only what was seen but the way one sees it. After the destruction to the world as a consequence of the War they were scared but full of believes that the world survived and that is still more to be explored out there (Magnum in motion website). Furthermore the history of documentary photography show us the most accurate records of events that we have in the past and the documentary photography was used to capture almost everything such as terrorism and war, world events right to documenting peoples lives. Early stage of documentary photography focused on urban settings, industry and often artist used photography as a tool for social reform. For example Walker Evans and Dorothea Lange created images for Farm Security Administration (FSA) who documented workers and their lives in America and also how the depression had an impact on them. Lewis Hine exposed horrors of child labour, homelessness and immorality. These photographs helped to pass the Child Labour Law in America. In addition a lot of images produced during World War II were captured by Magnum photographers. Magnum ability of storytelling and to work in series drew a line between documentary photography and photojournalism. Often attached with a moral position on th e artist who belief to show the viewer the best understanding of his subjects live. Altogether this kind of photo essay or series of images are more powerful to conveying the message then the single image. Sebastiao Salgado probably the best documentary photographer joined Magnum agency in 1994 creating artistic meaningful documents of cultures, world issues and places that would be better remember before human take their action. Salgado has earned his high reputation from his black and white photographs of places and people from all over the world. His work is about showing the world the war effects, poverty, disease and famine. His work was evidence what was happening on our planet. However the Martin Parr photographs strongly contrasts from work of Salgado. Parr humorous images document contemporary society, for example the image of the tourist in Mexico show us a woman in pink shirt taking a picture of something that we cannot see. Martin Parr takes the over dressed tourist one step up. The woman is a contemporary simple person who aimed her camera the wrong way. Ancient pyramid full of cultural and historical significance becomes an excuse just to be there. Parr demonstrate lack t o cultural values and intellectual pursuits. Also he contrasts form, colour and scale of the woman on the washout stone pyramid to depict society little interests and intellectual curiosity. In 1938 the British magazine Picture Post announced Robert Capa the greatest war photographer in the world, mostly based on his photojournalistic work in the Spanish Civil War and on the war in China. Capas photography is all about being there, close, telling a story about events he witnessed. It was him who made blurred, visceral images of the D-Day invasion that became its symbols. (Magnum Stories, p.67-73). On the other hand Henri Crtier Bresson had a different point of view ,interested in finding a visual agreement that he later called the organic coordination of the elements seeing by the eye'(In Our Time: The World as Seen by Magnum Photographers).His photographs mostly emphasized the complexity of whole piece seeing itself and often avoiding a narrative. Furthermore he was creating a broad essay concerned with a countrys past and present during a period of rapid social change. Also he was fascinated by Gandhi and India. Bresson written notes about Gandhi dead and they reveal a narrative writer, eloquently involved with negotiating the issues of Indias society and history. Even though he was denying his interest in the formulas of photojournalism Bresson was nevertheless engaged with what the photo story involved (Magnum Stories, p.74-75). Today people love snapshots in USA alone we take 7 billion images a year but it is a sad fact that in most of them people are photographing each other. In a way we submit to anonymity for example names of builders of Notre Dame or the Cologne Dom were lost in that age of faith. However the 21th century is exact opposite because we are possessed by overweening sense of self. Every moment is captured and posted in albums, every wedding are choreographed and videotaped for future generations. Another rising distinction between a picnic shoot and a great photograph is not subtle. You can look at the image and stay passive while art photograph engages you and force your instincts to participate. Photographers often deal with harsh, ironical material thats why sometimes their scepticism is shown in their work. Nevertheless we were and we will be enriched by their vision, by the strength of the world that they stalked, searching for decisive moments. Some photographers adapted techniques fr om great Magnum artists and using them today. Although documentary photography today does not trying to improve the situation of people or help resolve problems is just trying to get best shot and it is nothing else behind while 60 years ago it was life changing profession. Today photojournalists barely are present at the events they cover. The function changed from realism to consequence. Also what we seeing today for example in war photography is meant to show us the impact of war not its devices. I would point out that days of war photographer are long gone because nowadays photojournalists are fulfil with their own imagination of telling a story for less than a large conflict or issues. Images move from one category to another over period of time for example press photography of crime in the 1940s has moved to the art books and museum, as also Dorothea Langes documentary photographs of migrants in depression era and Robert Capa war images. Therefore all that definitions are just the schematic and act as a help for descriptions. I believe that documentary photography emphasizes in depth ongoing story on the long term basis. Documentary projects often lasts for years and focus on social issues rather than news. Again documentary is mostly assumed to be subjective because photographer has a point of view on what he is about to photograph. Not only had that it also believed to be honest reporting from witnessed event. As Henri Cartier Bresson said as far as I am concerned, taking photographs is a means of understanding which cannot be separated from each other means of visual expression. It is a way of shouting, of freeing oneself, not of proving or asserting ones own o riginality. It is a way of life (Masters of Photography Aperture, p.8). Other, art photography is more about creating and expressing personal points of view which is done to be sold or hang in galleries. Nevertheless some of its art may deal with issues but they are usually already covered by photojournalism and documentary, such as famine and war. At the end of the day of course all photography is an interpretation of what is in front of the lens. Summarising, for todays generation of young photographers there is much more complex awareness to what is or is not possible to explain. Today, if you pictures arent good enough you might be too close then not close enough, as Capa said (Time article, 2002). All those years Magnum promoted abstracted generalized narratives about human condition and their photographs often aim to the almost iconic status to represent themes about humanity. Magnum and its members had a political impact; they were interested how they can use their cameras to examine political and social issues. They showed examples of suffering and human dignity, brutality of war and photographer braveness in witnessing. This raises an important thought of what can be learn from images is still important and Susan Sontag wrote in her essays that The knowledge gained through still photograph will be some kind of sentimentalism, knowledge at bargain prices a semblance of knowledge and wisdom(On Photography,p.23-24). Today we are still learning how world changed since Capa found Magnum. From its beginnings which truly marked the advent of photojournalism legendary figures like Bresson and Capa aimed to record the truest and most essential stories, moods of our time. The drama of war and despair in Eastern Europe, the wounded and the dead in brush fire wars around the world. Finally, the greatest change over taking stills images is an introduction to computer technology which allows to generate imagery that appears to be as realistic as photograph, without using a camera.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Persuasive Advertising Essay
Advertising plays an important role in our diverse, media-saturated world. It surrounds our everyday lives. It is in everything we do, whether we are looking for a number in the phone directory, taking a ride down a road, or watching TV. According to Jamie Beckett’s article in San Francisco Chronicle, â€Å"The average U. S. adult is bombarded by 255 advertisements every day–100 on TV, 60 in magazines, 50 on the radio, and 45 in newspapers†(Beckett). More recently, Advertising Age estimated that the average American sees, hears, or reads more than 5,000 persuasive ads a day, which means that there is almost nowhere we can avoid their presence. Today, ad agencies spend more than $300 billion in the United States and $500 billion worldwide on advertising. Therefore, we can acknowledge that advertising is created in a results-oriented perspective that will increase companies’ and organizations’ profits in the forms of purchases, donations, votes, joinings, etc. This perspective can be achieved by using manipulative and persuasive techniques in advertising that would get people’s attention. These messages appear in many formats–print and electronic, verbal and visual, logical and emotional. As Stuart Hirschberg wrote in his essay â€Å"The Rhetoric of Advertising†, â€Å"The most common manipulative techniques are designed to make consumers want to consume to satisfy deep-seated human drives. In purchasing a certain product, we are offered to create ourselves, our personality, and our relationships through consumption†(Hirschberg 229). Thus, we all become the targets of this form of persuasion that uses pathos, positive images, and/or deceptive language to influence our needs, interests, and decisions. The ad from Martha Stewart Living magazine shows its readers a new Honda CR-V automobile. Also, the company at the same time introduces its new campaign called the â€Å"Leap List†to the magazine’s primary audience that mostly consists of women ages 25 to 45. This campaign encourages people to make a list of the desired things they want to accomplish before the major event happens in their lives, such as the birth of their children. As we see, the ad is mostly aimed at younger consumers of the magazine who are looking for a better appearance of the car and new opportunities in their lives. The company offers to achieve these things with its new CR-V automobiles by using some of the aforementioned influential techniques, such as pathos, visual arts, deceptive claims, and weasel words in order to get viewers’ attention, establish credibility and trust, stimulate desires for the product, and the most important, motivate the audience to buy it. Pathos is the most powerful and effective tool in advertising. As stated by Hirschberg, â€Å"The emotional appeals in ads function exactly the way assumptions about value do in the written arguments. They supply the unstated major premise that supplies a rationale to persuade an audience that a particular product will meet one or another of several different kinds of needs†(Hirschberg 229). Due to the fact that human beings are initially emotional creatures who are more likely to be persuaded by emotions and feelings, and then rational by thinking and reacting, advertisers use both positive and negative emotional appeals to force and influence our minds. One of the ubiquitous emotional appeals in advertising is the use of the â€Å"you†word, which is supposed to address the message to each individual. In its ad, Honda uses the â€Å"you†word five times by making the ad more personalized and stressing consumers’ personal benefits from purchasing the company’s new car. In my opinion, Honda evokes positive as well as negative emotional appeals in its ad. There is an orange, bold title in the ad that says Before I have kids I want to and then there is an illustrated list of ten goals. It includes flying a plane, rock climbing, skyaking, sailing, running a marathon, learning to scuba, mountain-cycling, learning to pick the banjo, marching in a Mardi Gras parade, and taking up archery. As the viewer, I can say that this list catches my eyes because the goals in the ad are interesting and they make me feel enthusiastic and excited. In my opinion, Honda demonstrates our freedom and variety of opportunities that we can achieve by doing the things that we enjoy and like. After reading and seeing these examples, the audience starts to visualize its own desires and the ways of achieving their personal goals. The ad makes us feel motivated and excited about pursuing our dreams and wishes. On the other hand, the company persuades its readers to think and feel guilty of wasting their time and not achieving the things they want the most. That is why the company offers its all-new, 31-mpg-highway Honda CR-V that would deliver the potential buyers to wherever they want to go and whatever things they want to accomplish. In our modern world of technologies and computers, advertisers have recourse to artistic design, computer graphics, high-tech artistry, special effects, digital sounds, and computer animation that can help them to get various kinds of viewers’ attention. A study made by the University of Georgia has found that exposure to visual art in advertising, even if the exposure is fleeting, makes consumers evaluate products more positively. According to Henrik Hagtvedt, the artist and one of the researchers of this study, â€Å"Visual arts have historically been used as a tool for persuasion. It has been used to sell everything from religion to politics to spaghetti sauce to the artist’s image†(Hagtvedt). The same strategy can be observed in the Honda CR-V automobile ad that consists of many bright, positive images and bright colors. The color of the presented car is shiny Metallic Silver that typifies elegance, patience, modesty, and reliability. According to Pat Bertram’s article â€Å"What the Color of Your Car Says About You†, â€Å"People who drive silver vehicles have above average confidence about the course of their lives, and they also have consistent mood†(Bertram). Besides, this color is unisex and suits both females and males. Another visual attention-getting feature in the ad is tinted car windows. What is this for? In my opinion, advertisers make our eyes focused on the car itself rather than the interior or background and they try to accentuate the look of the vehicle. The tinted car implies the feeling of security and privacy that is becoming very popular in the modern society. Also, the direction of the car heading towards the illustrations of the goals from the Leap List emphasizes the company’s statement of helping viewers to achieve their aspirations. Another widespread element of reaching and influencing the audience is the use of weasel words and ambiguous language. Asking personal questions in ads shows us one of the deceptive techniques in language used in advertising. The question used in the Honda CR-V ad leaves its readers wondering about the answer. â€Å"What are you waiting for? †asks the ad, the question that viewers usually cannot answer. The tactic of asking the rhetorical question provokes curiosity and creates interests that make people think, desire, and visualize themselves having the product. Another kind of common deception in ads is the use of weasel words. The frequency of using the weasel words can be observed not only in politics but in advertising as well. According to Hirschberg, â€Å"Of all the techniques advertisers use to influence what people believe and how they spend their money, none is more basic than the use of so-called weasel words that retract the meaning of the words they are next to just as a weasel sucks the meat out of egg†(Hirschberg 232). As the target audience, we repeatedly see, read, or hear such weasel words as helps, free, virtually, like, new, as much as, faster, or better. These ambiguous words allow persuaders to say something without really saying anything and make us believe in the importance of purchasing their products. The ad in Martha Stewart Living magazine states that the company’s new technologically advanced, up-for-almost-anything new Honda CR-V automobile was built to help us check off every last item from our leap lists. By using the word â€Å"helps†, Honda offers a solution and aid to the consumers’ problems, but in reality the company promises nothing really concrete. So the word â€Å"helps†lets the companies escape from its supposed promises. At first sight, advertising seems to be relatively simple in structure, format, and availability, but its content and depth is complex. Hirschberg said, â€Å"Whether ads are presented as sources of information enabling the consumer to make educated choices between products or aim at offering memorable images or witty, thoughtful, or poetic copy, the underlying intent of all advertising is to persuade the specific audience†(Hirschberg 227). After reading â€Å"The Rhetoric of Advertising†, I learned that pathos is a very powerful and influential approach in advertising. I also started to analyze the details used in ads because all of them have different purposes. It is very helpful to know the techniques advertisers use to get our attention as well as the ways they apply the language and visualization. Personally, I started to pay more attention to colors that advertisers use in ads because each of these colors has its own definition and characteristic that can influence our perceptions of the images. As we may observe, advertisers do not waste any inch of the ad space on adding unnecessary information, but they also do not provide all specifics and features about their products. That is why, as the primary audience, we should be more skeptical and questionable of what we see and want to buy. In the ad created by Honda, we can see pathos, bright images, and claims that can attract the potential buyers’ attention. John O’Toole, the former president of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, believed that the consumers should be at the center of the process, and that the only kind of language either verbal or nonverbal effectively persuades the consumers as an individual. As discussed earlier, disclosing people’s desires and making the personalized ad makes this Honda ad from Martha Stewart Living magazine more attractive and memorable to the viewers. Advertisers also used the persuasive language that we can observe in the ad in the forms of weasel words and question claims. Overall, I found this ad well made and interesting to analyze because it consists of different influential and persuasive techniques that we can determine after reading Stuart Hirschberg’s essay â€Å"The Rhetoric of Advertising. â€
Friday, January 10, 2020
Write about Yourself Sample Essays Reviews & Guide
Write about Yourself Sample Essays Reviews & Guide The Meaning of Write about Yourself Sample Essays You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the suitable style. The size needs to be such that it's readable. Take, by way of example, office workers in britain who spend 8 or more hours per day, 5 days weekly sitting before their computers. It is preferable to acquire professional writing assistance from the corresponding support. You might need to make an impression of expertise in the area by using specialized or technical language. An introduction is the surface of the applicant. Your message is going to be lost, and an opportunity could be missed. So, for instance, if you're writing about historic events or a social issue you don't only describe it. The problem has to be directly addressed in the start to find the reader's interest. Look through the list of topics with care and start making a mental collection of the evidence you'll be able to use on topics you prefer. Obviously, although your topic ought to be specific, it ought not be quite as obscure it is impossible to obtain any information about it. The Little-Known Secrets to Write about Yourself Sample Essays By listing proven facts at the very start of your paper, you will create interest that could be carried throughout the remainder of the essay. A self-introduction essay, since the name suggest, is a component of essay containing the simple details about the writer. If you're able to select your own topic, choose something you're interested in. Regardless of what's the objective of your essay, there's a preset number of points which you will be expected to h andle. Now that you know the four principal elements of a great thesis statement, allow me to give you more thesis statement examples. Assess the classification essay examples which you've encountered. Don't forget your introduction, the very first paragraph of an essay, needs to be short and catchy. The upcoming few paragraphs will compose most of your essay. Don't neglect to use a wide dictionary and respective lexical tools, which can help you to enrich the topic. Fortunately, it is possible to find everything that you have to have in our extraordinary library! It is preferable to get started writing as soon as you're assigned the job. One of the fundamental tasks of the application essay is to follow along with the directions. Give an intriguing fact about something you're likely to talk about in your essay's body and your audience may wish to keep reading if you want to find out more. The major question of all students who must compose a reflective or private essay is whether it's possible to produce such kind of academic paper without sounding too egotistical. Many students often realize that personal essays are the hardest to write since there's no evidence to back up your claims because there are in analytical essays. Narration is telling a story from a specific viewpoint, and there is normally a reason behind the telling. Remember an argumentative essay is based more on facts instead of emotion. Bear in mind that the period of your essay is based on the assignment offered to you. If you would like to succeed and know how to write a scholarship essay, it's also advisable to become acquainted with the most frequently made mistakes. Be certain to confirm the course out so you may write the very best personal essay possible. Write about Yourself Sample Essays - the Conspiracy Most significantly, a fantastic thesis statement produces a statement. The structure of private statement is much simpler. There are special words and word combination utilized for analytical purposes which ought to be learned too. More examples can produce the paragraph longer.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Federal Government - 1353 Words
The wonders of the federal government do diligences in keeping separation of power (Judicial, executive, and legislator) has developed in many ways since the forefathers wrote the United States Constitution. In its depiction through the judicial proceedings has led to reforming how commerce clause is viewed. Let us take the constitution as a road map. Interpreting its powers has also form how congress uses those same power when it comes to the digression of law making (Legislation branch). In Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), United States v. E.C. Knight Company (1895), Muller v. Oregon (1908), Hammer v. Dagenhart (1918), National Labor Relations Board v. Jones Laughlin Steel Corp. (1937), and Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States et al. (1964), I will illustrate how they change the way in which commerce power is handle within the federal government. The case Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) was a question of interstate regulation of steamboats and whether the license obtain to do just that between states. Interstate commerce at this time was to be interpreted since the main intention was to create a law everyone could abide. Having several states and different laws would only lead to a dysfunctions of federal government being that it dealt with New York and New Jersey. New York licensing law for out of state regulation of steamboats was invalid give that notion Chief Justice John Marshal stated that â€Å"interstate commerce was a power reserved to and by congress†Gibbons v. Ogden.Show MoreRelatedThe Government And The Federal Government867 Words  | 4 PagesThe Federal Government is the body of government that implements and administers public policy. The Federal Government Government execute all political powers. 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