Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Case Study Layar - Mobile Augmented Reality - 5184 Words
University of Amsterdam – Business Studies International Entrepreneurship March – 2010 dr. Tsvi Vinig â€Å"Ubiquity First, Revenue Later†A descriptive case study on the entrepreneurial venue Layar B.V. Bendert Katier Studentnumber: 5927752 Bendert.katier@gmail.com http://twitter.com/BendertKatier 2 â€Å"Ubiquity First, Revenue Later†A descriptive casestudy in the entrepreneurial venue Layar B.V. Bendert Katier –†¦show more content†¦Big technology companies such as Intel, Apple and HTC are developing mobile- †phone software and services for the use of augmented reality services, and big retail companies use it for their marketing campaigns. Also multiple start- †ups are developing interesting applications that allow anyone to create tags for the real world. These days, anyone with a mobile device or a computer can tag physical structures and sites around the globe with informatory text, or multimedia content found on various other more ‘traditional’ web pages. One could for example point their phone at Dam Square Amsterdam, and see information pulled up from Wikipedia, photos taken there by users from F lickr, news related items or just find out what friends said about
Monday, December 16, 2019
Mechanics assignment friction Free Essays
This lab was based on projectile motion and it was to prove the theory that was covered in lecture 5 to be correct. When dealing with projectile motion, it is the theory that when an object has been fired from its starting point into the air, it will come under the influence of gravity and is attracted to ground with an acceleration of g m/s squared. In the lab a projectile launcher was used to project two steel balls, one in the horizontal direction and one in the vertical direction. We will write a custom essay sample on Mechanics assignment friction or any similar topic only for you Order Now The ball that was launched in the vertical direction was ball 1 and the ball that was launched in the horizontal direction was ball 2. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate projectile motion through the use of a vertical acceleration apparatus which shows the independence of vertical acceleration from the horizontal velocity. Projectile motion is a form of motion in which an object or particle (called a projectile) s thrown obliquely near the earth’s surface, and it moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. The path followed by a projectile motion called its trajectory. Projectile motion only occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning of the trajectory, after which there is no force in operation apart from gravity. Introduction: Part B Part B of the lab was on Tractive Forces. Tractive force means the force available at the contact between the drive wheel tyres and road is known as ‘tractive effort’ or tractive force’. As used in mechanical engineering the term tractive force can either efer to the total traction a vehicle exerts on a surface, or the amount of the total traction that is parallel to the direction of motion. The published tractive force value for any vehicle may be theoretical†that is, calculated from known or implied mechanical properties†or obtained via testing under controlled conditions. The example that was taken in the lab was of a train of 3 parts that were coupled together by couples (T 1) and (T2). The purpose of this lab was to prove the theory covered in lecture 6 was correct and to see the relationship between force, mass and cceleration in tractive forces which comes from Newton’s 2nd law. We know that force = mass x acceleration and we also were giving the conditions to which the train was under. Table 1, Part A: recorded and calculated data Measured time and distance for the vertical ball and the horizontal ball projected from projectile launcher. Test 1st Ball (vertical) 2nd Ball (horizontal) Distance (s) (m) Time of flight (t) 0. 5 0. 93 0. 6 1. 38 0. 4 0. 51 1. 46 0. 43 0. 56 1. 36 0. 35 0. 57 1. 34 0. 60 0. 68 1. 39 0. 0 7 0. 40 0. 54 1 . 45 8 0. 28 1 . 31 9 0. 30 0. 47 10 1. 32 Average values 0. 391 1 . 387 Table 2, part A: Calculated Horizontal velocity, acceleration due to gravity, the % difference in the value of gravity, and the Vertical velocity. Horizontal velocity (Vh) (calculated) 2. 57 rrvs Acceleration due to gravity, g (calculated) 6. 38 m/s squared % difference in the value of g -34. 96% Vertical striking velocity (W) (calculated) 3. 83 rms (Horizontal velocity) S = Vx T therefore S = 1. 39 = 2. 57 m/s T 0. 54 (Acceleration due to gravity) Sv = IJvT – 1 g(t)squared 2 Therefore = 2 (0. 93) squared T squared 0. 54 squared = 1. 86 = 6. 378 = 6. 8 rms 0. 2916 0. 2916 (% difference in the value of g) % difference = Calculated -g x 100 . 81 (Vertical striking velocity) V=U+GXT v = o + 3. 83571 v = 3. 83 rms Discussion part A =6. 38-9. 81 x 100 In this lab that was completed it was shown that the theory behind projectile motion is correct. It was proven that both balls came under the influence of gravity once they left the projectile launcher and that they were both attracted to ground. The two balls were launched from the same vertical height but the ball number 2 that was travelling in the horizontal direction travelled a further distance than ball number 1 in the vertical direction. Even though ball number 2 travelled a further distance the wo balls will hit the ground at the same time as they both come under the same force of gravity however this was not shown in our table 1 (Fig 1) because their was human errors such as, two people starting the stop watches at different times, the person pressing the trigger mechanism was releasing the balls faster sometimes than other times even though we would start the stop watches on the count of 3. The other factors that had to be taken into consideration is, if the projectile launcher was at any sort of an angle due to the work bench not been balanced or level or an even surface. However the readings that were taken were still very close to each other so experiment the initial velocity of each ball was O m/s. To calculate the acceleration due to gravity we manipulated the equation to find (g) gravity. When dealing with projectiles, we use the same equations as linear motion but the (a) for acceleration is replaced or substituted with (g) for gravity. The acceleration due to gravity was 6. 38 m/s squared. In theory this acceleration should have been 9. 81 m/ s squared but due to the human errors that occurred during the experiments there was a difference of -3. m/s squared these % errors came from miscalculating of the time taken for the balls to hit the ground and the distance travelled by the horizontal ball. When the steel ball number 2 is projected from the projectile launcher in the horizontal direction, the time it takes for the steel ball to hit the ground is independent of its initial horizontal velocity, the steel ball will continue to move in the hor izontal direction with the same horizontal velocity in which it was projected from the projectile launcher with because there is no acceleration so it stays at a constant velocity. The distance that the steel ball number 2 travels in the horizontal distance before it hits the ground is dependent on the time of flight and the horizontal velocity that it was projected with. Projectile motion only occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning of the trajectory, after which there is no force in operation apart from gravity, this was proven in the experiment as ball number 1 was let fall from a height with no other force applied and ball number two was projected with a horizontal velocity from the projectile launcher and both balls were attracted to ground as they came under the nfluence of gravity. We found the value of acceleration using the average vertical height in which the ball was projected from and used the average horizontal time in which it took ball number two to hit the ground as ball number two was projected with an horizontal velocity it still should hit the ground at the same time as ball number one does as there both under the same force of gravity. If our measurements and calculations were 100% we should have got an acceleration of 9. 81 m/s squared. The horizontal component of the velocity of the object remains unchanged throughout the motion. The vertical component of the velocity increases linearly, because the acceleration due to gravity is constant. It is important to note that the Range and the Maximum height of the Projectile do not depend upon mass of the projected body. The Range and Max Height are equal for all those bodies which are thrown by same velocity and direction. Air resistance does not affect displacement of a projectile; this is why we do not take the mass of the balls into consideration or the mass of any objects when dealing with projectiles. This experiment proves and supports the theory behind projectile motion to be correct. We do not take the mass of the balls or bodies into consideration when dealing with projectile motion as the air resistance does not affect the displacement of the projectile. The range and height are equal for all bodies which are thrown by the same velocity and direction. There was a small difference in calculating the acceleration due to gravity, this was because of the different readings and human errors that took place during the experiment. Both balls come under the influence of the same gravity and are attracted to ground and should hit the ground at the same time. In theory both balls should hit the ground at the same time, but because there were two people using stopwatches to record the times taking there was going to be a difference in the readings and calculation. The horizontal distance ball number two travels before it hits the ground is dependent of the time of flight and the horizontal velocity of projection. Ball number two will travel at the same horizontal velocity because there is no acceleration or any other force applied. The vertical component of the velocity will increases linearly because the acceleration due to gravity is onstant, so it picks up speed as it is falling from a height. How to cite Mechanics assignment friction, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Employment and Open Method of Co Ordination - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Employment and Open Method of Co Ordination. Answer: Introduction Treaty of Amsterdam of the year 1997 helped in introducing the concept of European Employment Strategy. European Council asked member states to chalk out multiannual programme in relation to employment. They were asked to provide with report pertaining to implementation. Open method of Co-ordination (OMC) refers to a policy making process of the European Union that was initiated by Lisbon European Council in the year 2000 (Borrs and Radaelli 2015). It does not give birth to that of the EU legislation and it is a method pertaining to soft governance. It helps in achieving convergence in relation to the European goals pertaining to policy areas that fall under competence of the Member States. The labour market strategy of that of the European Union helped in the process of dealing with discrimination based on different grounds like religion, sexual orientation and disability. This essay analyzes aspects of open method of co-ordination pertaining to the European Union. This essay also t alks about the measures that can be made use of by the European Union in tackling unemployment. Neo-liberalism is indicative of the economic policies that have spread in the last twenty-five years. On account of neo-liberalism, the rich countries have a tendency of becoming richer and the poor countries tend to become poorer. The working people conceive of neo-liberalism to be progressive as compared to that of the rightwing people. Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations wanted the abolition of that of government intervention in matters related to economic policy. The conditions prevailing in that of the European Union Labour Market improved in the year 2016 and in the first half of the year 2017 (Mattocks 2018). It has been found that the number of people who are in the employment amounts to around 235.4 million in the second quarter of the year 2017. The Europe 2020 strategy has emphasized that the employment target of that of 75 % would the within the reach. With the rise of the education, it has been found that employment has increased among that of the workers who are highly educated. It has been found that the medium along with that of the low-skilled workers recorded lower level of that of employment by around 0.4 percent and that of 0.9 percent respectively (Zeitlin and Vanhercke 2018). The recovery has helped in boosting both permanent along with that of temporary jobs and there are many employees who are working full schedule. Open Method of Co-ordination refers to intergovernmental means in relation to governance within European Union that is based on voluntary co-operation of the different member states. It is dependent on that of soft law mechanism like guidelines along with indicators. The other kind of mechanisms that are at work includes that of benchmarking along with sharing of the best practices. This shows that there exists no official sanctions for those who are laggard. The effectiveness of the method rests on peer pressure along with the process of naming and shaming. None of the member states wants to see themselves as the worst pertaining to a given policy area that makes them abide by the open method of co-ordination. OMC is a new instrument pertaining to governance within the European Union. The term was coined in the year 2000 but the method goes back to the 1992 Maastricht Treaty. The introduction of OMC helped in promoting social policies that are effective. This kind of governance was thought to be intrusive by that of the member states. The evolving priorities of European Union over the course of the years led to the evolution of that of the European Union (Bickerton, Hodson and Puetter 2015). In between the years 1975 and that of 1994, European Economic Community carried out different pilot projects that can help in combating exclusion. Community action pertaining to this area was being carried out owing to the lack of any kind of legal basis. Treaty of Amsterdam in the year 1999 highlighted the removal of that of social exclusion. Social Protection Committee was set up in the year 2000 in order to facilitate co-operation among that of the member states and the Commission (Benz, Corcaci and Wolfgang Doser 2016). The entire process was stream-lined and it was turned into that of single social OMC in the year 2005. Single social OMC was aimed at eradication of poverty and guaranteeing of sustainable pension system. It also provided high quality health care and that of long term care. OMC should adopt methodology of that of Lisbon Strategy in relation to adoption of joint political objectives (Paetzold and Van Vliet 2014). Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ( TEFU) stands to be one of the two primary treaties of that of the European Union. It formed the basis of that of the law of the European Union and it set the scope of the European Union so that it could legislate. According to the Article 153 TFEU social inclusion can be achieved based on that of non-legal co-operation (Cheneval, Lavenex and Schimmelfennig 2015). Commission updated that of the Council Recommendation 92/441/EEC which laid out that the member states can carry out an implementation of a strategy that results in i nclusion of people who are not considered within the labour market. It wanted to lift more than that of 20 million people out of the state of poverty. In the year 2010, Commission launched the platform against that of poverty and there were certain key initiatives like assessment of the active inclusion strategy. After the year 2011, Annual Convention was responsible for bringing together stakeholders and the policy makers (Nicoladis 2015). The Commission also adopted two initiatives in the year 2013. Two further initiatives were also launched by the Commission in the year 2013. In the Social Investment Package of February 2013, Commission asked the member states to lay emphasis on the aspect of social investment in the people in order to invest in children so that they would be able to break away from that of the cycle of disadvantage. In the year 2013, commission presented proposal that can strengthen social dimension by responding to the calls of that of European Council. Social scoreboard acts as an analytical tool that can detect the development across that of European Union. Five key indicator in relation to this were unemployment, youth unemployment, number of the youth not associated with education, training, disposable income, risk pertaining to poverty rate and that of income inequalities (Ure 2015). Labour Market Strategy The year 1997 can be conceived of to be a great turning point and a new Article 13 was brought into that of the Treaty Establishing the European Community. It empowered the Council to take action so that it can deal with that of discrimination on different grounds like that of ethnic origin, religion, disability and that of sexual orientation (Mattocks 2018). In the year 2003 the article was changed by that of the Treaty of Nice that allowed the adoption in relation to various measures that were incentive. The directories that were adopted were that of Racial Equality Directive, Employment Equality Directive and that of Equal Treatment Directive (Maricut and Puetter 2018). It helped in the process of merging of that of previous directives that was dedicated to that of equal opportunities in relation to men and that of women. Comparative analysis pertaining to non-discrimination law in that of Europe highlights that directives have been able to enhance that of legal protection against the factor of discrimination within Europe (Taylor 2017). The labour market strategy of the European Union worked in the field of long-term unemployment and it helped in preventing labour market segmentation that helped in making employment secure. It focussed on increasing the participation of women in that of the work force and the elimination of the gender pay gap that remains high within that of Europe. The two commission proposals that helped in establishing in enhancing the element of equality are waiting for consensus in that of the Council. The directives were related to gender balance in that of company board and implementation of principle of equal treatment in between the people who are outside that of the employment field (Borrs and Radaelli 2015). In the April of the year 2017, Commission presented a proposal that talked about work-life balance for that of the parents. It acted as a deliverable of that of the European Pillar of that of the Social Rights. It revolves around sharing the caring responsibilities between that of men and the women (Benz, Corcaci and Wolfgang Doser 2016). In the December of the year 2002, Parliament along with the Council adopted the decision 50/2002/EC. It was instrumental in establishment of a community action that encouraged co-operation among the member states. It helped in combating the issue of social exclusion. Another programme that helped in combating discrimination was based on Article 13 (2). It helped in covering all the grounds as set in that of Article 13 and it excluded the conception of sex (Mattocks 2018). It was dealt in a different manner by gender equality programme of that of European Community. Women face economic disincentives in relation to that of labour force participation. The benefit system affects the decision of participation in labour market along with that of the hours of working. The disincentives pertaining to work can be high for that of the second earners. Compensated family-related leave can help in boosting the participation of female in that of the labour force (Ure 2015). Balanced use pertaining to leave entitlements (of men and women) have positive effect on that of the care responsibilities. Access to that of quality services like childcare along with housing can help in the process of social inclusion. Access to the element of affordable child care can provide the children with the best chances in their life. High quality health care is of great significance in living a healthy life and for the contribution in the society (Mattocks 2018). Inequality in aspect to health care can lead to illness and inability of working. Job creation schemes that target the medium along with long term unemployed can help in aspects of perverse employment effect on that of short-term unemployed. These schemes can prove to be more stable and can help in te aspect of cost-effectiveness. Training has immense amount of positive long term effect. Vocational training can prove to be suitable for different kinds of reasons and it can help in the better matching of that of skills. Certified vocational training can assist an individual in the effective transition from that of education to work (Maricut and Puetter 2018). The reformation in relation to employment protection legislation is very intense in those countries that have accumulated imbalance. These includes countries like that of Spain, France, Portugal and Slovenia. Single status law helped in harmonising the notice period between that of blue along with that of white collar worker. Italy enacted a labour market reform that was in form of Jobs Act (Ec.europa.eu 2014) .The revision of labour cost in Lithuania helped in the reduction of cost of that of individual dismissals. Netherlands also brought in a cap in relation to unfair dismissal that helped in providing clarity in relation to dismissal (Nicoladis 2015). Community funding programmes in the year 2007 in the arena of that of employment along with social affairs underwent integration to form a single framework. For rationalising aspect of administration, Employment and Social Innovation programme helped in incorporating Progress Programme. The Council was responsible for adopting Regulation ( EU) Number 223/ 2014 for those people who were the most deprived. This fund helped in providing material assistance along with that of social inclusion measures to the people who were the most deprived. Budget of the period 2014-2020 amounted to that of EUR 3.8 billion in that of the real terms (Zeitlin and Vanhercke 2018). An additional 15 % was also levied in relation to national co-financing based on that of the national programmes. The main fund was provided by European Social Fund that helped in co-financing actions. It helped in combating the element of discrimination and helped the disadvantaged people for accessing the labour market. European Disability Strategy was adopted by the Commission on the basis of the Action Plan of 2004-2010. New programme pertaining to gender equality was launched within the year 2016-2019 (Bickerton, Hodson and Puetter 2015). The resolutions of recent times embodied the concern of The Parliament that the European Union was a long distance away from achieving the social targets. The Parliament has asked for a fiscal consolidation that can allow the member states in tackling the issue of unemployment (Nicoladis 2015). Social scoreboard now comprises of additional indicator like that of child poverty level along with that of homelessness. The parliament has stated that the employment along with the social considerations can be put on the same level with that of macroeconomic consideration within that of the European Semester (Nicoladis 2015). The active labour market can only be successful if certain measures are implemented. Counselling along with job-search assistance can be used in case of short-term employment. Vocational training, motivation courses along with that of social support can help in the process of addressing needs of job seeker (Ec.europa.eu 2014) .Subsidies can be provided to the group that is disadvantaged and hey can have a positive influence on the attitudes of the employers towards that of long-term unemployed (Benz, Corcaci and Wolfgang Doser 2016). It can provide an opportunity for the employers to test the employees that are prospective at a cost that is lower than that of full wage. Conclusion: Treaty of Amsterdam brought in the concept pertaining to European Employment Strategy. The member states of the European Council were asked to plan a multi-annual programme related to employment. The time interval between the years 1975 and 1994 witnessed the European Community implementing pilot projects that helped in facing the issue of exclusion. Single social OMC primarily aimed at the removal of poverty and it guaranteed a pension system that was sustainable. High quality pertaining to health care was also facilitated with the help of this method of co-ordination. Strategy of Europe 2020 focussed on aspect pertaining to sustainable growth. Recommendation suggested by the Council helped in integrating those people who were left without a job for a long time. European Solidarity Corps was aimed at the creation of new avenues that can offer help to the young people. Leaves that are compensated can help the female population in participating within the labour force. The balanced us e pertaining to leave entitlements can have positive effect in encouraging the participation of women in the job sector. Counselling and vocational training can be of great help for the job seeker in seeking employment. The open method of co-ordination gave rise to various job creation schemes that helped in targeting those who were unemployed in the long term. Training also facilitated the process of social inclusion and vocational training can help in upgrading the skills of the employees. References: Benz, A., Corcaci, A. and Wolfgang Doser, J., 2016. Unravelling multilevel administration. Patterns and dynamics of administrative co-ordination in European governance.Journal of European Public Policy,23(7), pp.999-1018. Available at : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13501763.2016.1162838 [Accessed 10 April 2018] Bickerton, C.J., Hodson, D. and Puetter, U., 2015. The new intergovernmentalism: European integration in the post?Maastricht era.JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies,53(4), pp.703-722. Available at : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jcms.12212 [ Accessed 10 April 2018] Borrs, S. and Radaelli, C.M., 2015. Open method of co-ordination for demoi-cracy? Standards and purposes.Journal of European Public Policy,22(1), pp.129-144. Available at : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13501763.2014.881412 [Accessed 10 April 2018] Cheneval, F., Lavenex, S. and Schimmelfennig, F., 2015. Demoi-cracy in the European Union: principles, institutions, policies.Journal of European Public Policy,22(1), pp.1-18. Available at : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13501763.2014.886902 [ Accessed 10 April 2018] Ec.europa.eu (2014). [ebook] Available at: https:////ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/file_import/european-semester_thematic-factsheet_employment-protection-legislation_en.pdf [Accessed 10 Apr. 2018]. Ec.europa.eu (2014). [ebook] Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/file_import/european-semester_thematic-factsheet_labour-force-participation-women_en.pdf [Accessed 10 Apr. 2018]. Maricut, A. and Puetter, U., 2018. Deciding on the European Semester: the European Council, the Council and the enduring asymmetry between economic and social policy issues.Journal of European Public Policy,25(2), pp.193-211. Mattocks, K., 2018. Co?ordinating Co?ordination: The European Commission and the Culture Open Method of Co?ordination.JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies,56(2), pp.318-334. Available at : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13501763.2017.1363271 [Accessed 10 April 2018] Nicoladis, K., 2015. Epilogue: the challenge of European demoi-cratization.Journal of European Public Policy,22(1), pp.145-153. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13501763.2014.886908?journalCode=rjpp20 [Accessed 10 April 2018] Paetzold, J. and Van Vliet, O., 2014. EU Co?Ordination and the Convergence of Domestic Unemployment Protection Schemes.JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies,52(5), pp.1070-1089. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jcms.12139 [ Accessed 10 April 2018] Taylor, G., 2017. European employment policy: governance as regulation. InEuropean Governance(pp. 81-98). Routledge. Available at : https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781351938570/chapters/10.4324%2F9781315255941-13 [Accessed 10 April 2018] Ure, O.B., 2015. Governance for learning outcomes in european policy-making: qualification frameworks pushed through the open method of coordination.International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET),2(4), pp.268-283. Available at : https://www.econstor.eu/handle/10419/142455 [ Accessed 10 April 2018] Zeitlin, J. and Vanhercke, B., 2018. Socializing the European Semester: EU social and economic policy co-ordination in crisis and beyond.Journal of European Public Policy,25(2), pp.149-174. Available at : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13501763.2017.1363269 [ accessed 10 April 2018]
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Judaism Essays (2018 words) - Monotheistic Religions, Jews
Judaism Judaism Early History of Judaism It has been argued that Judaism can be seen not only as a single religion, but as a group of similar religions. It has also been pointed-out that through all the trials and tribulations that Judaism has suffered through, that there have been common themes that have proven omni-pervasive. Any institution with roots as ancient and varied as the religion of the Jews is bound to have a few variations, especially when most of its history takes place in the political and theological hot spot of the Middle East. In this discussion, many facets of Judaism will be examined, primarily in the three temporal subdivisions labeled the Tribal / Pre-Monarchy Period, the Divided Monarchy, and the Hasmonean / Maccabean and Roman Era. Among all the time periods where the religion has been split, these three seem to be the mostrepresentative of the forces responsible. As for a common thread seen throughout all Judiasms, the area of focus here is the place associated with the religion : Jerusalem. This topic will be covered in detail first, and then the multiple Judaism arguments will be presented. In this way, it is possible to keep a common focus in mind when reading about all the other situations in which the religion has found itself. A brief conclusion follows the discussion. A Place to Call Home No other religion has ever been so attached to its birthplace as Judaism. Perhaps this is because Jews have been exiled and restricted from this place for most of their history. Jerusalem is not only home to Judaism, but to the Muslim and Christian religions as well. Historically this has made it quite a busy place for the various groups. Jerusalem is where the temple of the Jews once stood; the only place on the whole Earth where one could leave the confines of day to day life and get closer to God. In 586 BCE when the temple was destroyed, no Jew would have denied Jerusalem as being the geographic center of the religion. From that point on, the Jewish people have migrated around the world, but not one of them forgets the fact that Jerusalem is where it all began. It is truly a sacred place, and helps to define what Judaism means to many people; a common thread to run through all the various splinters of the religion and help hold them together. Even today, as the Jewish people have their precious Jerusalem back (through the help of other nations and their politics) there is great conflict and emotion surrounding it. Other nations and people in the area feel that they should be in control of the renowned city, and the Jews deny fervently any attempt to wrestle it from their occupation. It is true that there is no temple in Jeruslaem today, nor are all the Jews in the world rushing to get back there. But it is apparent that the city represents more to the religion of Judaism than a mere place to live and work. The city of Jerusalem is a spiritual epicenter, and throughout Judaisms long and varied history, this single fact has never changed. Tribal / Pre-Monarchy Judaisms roots lie far back in the beginnings of recorded history. The religion did not spring into existence exactly as it is known today, rather it was pushed and prodded by various environmental factors along the way. One of the first major influences on the religion was the Canaanite nation. Various theories exist as to how and when the people that would later be called Jews entered into this civilization. But regardless of how they ultimately got there, these pioneers of the new faith were subjected to many of the ideas and prejudices of the time. Any new society that finds itself in an existing social situation, can do no more than to try and integrate into that framework. And this is exactly what the Jews did. Early Judaism worshipped multiple gods. One of these gods was known as Baal, and was generally thought-of as a statue god with certain limitations on his power. The other primary deity was called YHWH (or Yahweh) and enjoyed a much more mysterious and
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
William Faulkners As I Lay Dying
William Faulkners As I Lay Dying Written by William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying is a masterpiece addressing different societal issues that were pertinent in 1930s and have even persisted to contemporary times. This story is intriguing given the numerous numbers of narrators involved, each upholding different views from the others. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on William Faulkners As I Lay Dying specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To some extent, each character is pursuing his/her ambitions and does not seem to care about the rest. Nevertheless, even though dead, Addie Bundren stands out in this story. She determines, controls, and directs the entire story. All events result from her, if not so, they revolve around her. Her perspective determines the novels structure and most of the themes of the story. Addie Bundren Addie dies shortly after the story starts; however, the short period she appears in the play and her dead body directs the structure of the story setting themes in place. From the short stint that Addie appears in the play, it is evident that she is a strong-willed and well-informed woman whose only shortcoming is disillusionment. She is unloving and unfaithful mother too. She does not love her husband; children, save for Jewel; and her surrounding. Her unfaithfulness comes out clearly when she cheats on her husband, sleeps with Whitefield; a local church minister, and bears Jewel out of wedlock. She clearly points out her disinterest in life by saying, â€Å"the reason for living is to get ready to stay dead a long time†(Faulkner 46). This caps her character. Someone whose purpose of living is to prepare for death cannot be interested in anything and this describes Addie. Nevertheless, as aforementioned, Addie’s perspective determines and dictates the plot and most themes of this story. Addie’s Perspective in Plot and Themes of the Story Addie’s perspective toward life that, the purpose o f living is to prepare for the long time one spends in death, coupled with the fact that she does not love her environs makes her request to be buried in Jefferson; the land of her ‘people’. The journey towards Jefferson is the storyline of this story. The bigger part of the plot and structure of this story revolves around this journey. If Addie had not asked to be buried in Jefferson, the story would end soon after she dies. However, the story carries fifty-nine sections most of them revolving around the journey to the town of Jefferson. Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this journey, many events unfold that are core to this story. The motives of all the Bundrens come out because of this journey. For instance, Jewel’s love for Addie comes out as he takes care of her dead mother including rescuing her corpse from being swept away by water and burnt by fire. Darl’s caring character comes out for he wants to fulfill his mother’s will. On the other side, Anse’s selfishness stands out for he only wants to go to Jefferson to get some false teeth whilst Cash and Vardaman want to get phonograph and toy train respectively. On her part, Dewey wants to abort and the only way she can do this is being on journey for she would meet new people, probably experts in abortion. Therefore, Addie’s perspectives underpin the plot of this story; moreover, its themes revolve around her and her perspectives as exposited next. The four main themes of this story viz. mortality; disillusionment, religion, and duty revolve around Addie’s perspective and character. Mortality takes centre stage in this story. After Addie dies, some of her children have many questions about existence and mortality. For instance, Vardaman does not understand all this; actually, he compares his death mother to a fish he had cleaned i nto, â€Å"pieces of not-fish†(Faulkner 29). Mortality brings transformation similar to that of cleaning a fish. Darl understands mortality as transformation from â€Å"is†to â€Å"was†because that is how Addie is being referred. By having sex with a church minister, Addie exposes the challenges facing men of the cloth. Religion is only in words, not in actions. Addie’s perspectives portray the theme of disillusionment. She does not seem to understand anything going around her. Her husband and children are disillusioned for they do not understand maternal love that she does not offer. Finally, the theme of duty is hinged on Addie. After she passes away, her family realizes that it is their duty to bury her despite the fact that they have ulterior motives of going to Jefferson. Conclusion Addie Bundren passes as a strong-willed, intelligent, unfaithful, disillusioned, and unfaithful woman. She cheats on her husband and shows no love towards her many c hildren. Nevertheless, her perspectives drive and shape the plot and themes of this story. The storyline of this story lies in the journey to Jefferson to burry Addie and fulfill her dying wishes. She only wants to rest with her ‘people’ and this perspective and request sets the story in motion. Themes of religion, duty, mortality, and disillusionment revolve around her. Addie’s affair with Whitefield exposes cynicism in religion. If it were not for Addie’s perspectives in life, readers could never know of Jewel’s love for his mother, Anse’s selfishness, Dewey’s inhumanity, Cash’s selfish ambition and Vardaman’s innocence and gullibility. Therefore, Addie’s perspective in life makes unfolds a lot in this story; defines its plot and presents its themes. Without Addie’s perspective towards life, the story would end after her death.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on William Faulkners As I Lay Dying specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Faulkner, Wiliam. â€Å"As I Lay Dying.†New York; Vintage Books, 1985.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Monologues From Molières Famous Theatrical Comedy
Monologues From Molià ¨re's Famous Theatrical Comedy Tartuffe translates to The Imposter or The Hypocrite. The play was performed for the first time in 1664 and features popular characters like Tartuffe, Elmire, Orgon, and Dorine. Tartuffe is written in twelve-syllable lines called alexandrines. The plot focuses on Orgons family dealing with the pious fraud Tartuffe as he pretends to talk with religious power, fool the family with random antics, and even seduce women in the household. The Characters in Tartuffe While Orgon is the head of the house and husband of Elmire, he is unfortunately blindsided with desire for Tartuffe, who is but a houseguest of Orgon and a hypocritical fraud. Tartuffe meddles with seduction and romantic agendas with members in the home. Orgons wife, Elmire, is one of Tartuffe’s prospects, and she is also the stepmother to Damis and Mariane. Luckily, Dorine is the family housemaid who tries to get to the bottom of Tartuffes fake personality to help the other characters. A Focus on the Housemaid, Dorine Dorine is the sassy, sensible, witty, and wise servant in the household that is the focus of Moliere’s Tartuffe. Her servant status makes her an inferior, but she courageously expresses her opinions to her superiors, who are actually her intellectual inferiors. For young females in search of a classical monologue, Tartuffe’s cheeky and clever Dorine has quite a few worth examining. The beginning and ending lines of eight monologues involving Dorine are listed below, along with a brief explanation of the content of each speech. These monologues come from Moliere’s Tartuffe, translated into English verse by Richard Wilbur, an extraordinarily understandable translation of the French comedy. Act I, Scene 1: First Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"If there is talk against us, I know the source / It’s Daphne and her little husband, of course.†Dorine expresses disdain for how people who behave badly seem to be the first to smear the reputations of others. She speculates that their delight in spreading the word of the transgressions of others springs from their belief that their own guilty deeds are less obvious when those of others are emphasized. The scene has 14 lines. The scene ends with: â€Å"Or that their own black guilt will come to seem / Part of a general shady colour-scheme. Act I, Scene 1: Second Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"Oh yes, she’s strict, devout, and has no taint / Of worldliness; in short, she seems a saint.†Dorine dismisses the criticisms of her lifestyle by a woman who is no longer young and beautiful. She attributes this woman’s prudish perspective to jealousy of looks and actions that she is no longer privy to. The scene has 20 lines. The scene ends with: â€Å"And cannot bear to see another know / That pleasures time has forced them to forgo.†Act I, Scene 2: First Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"Yes, but her son is even worse deceived / His folly must be seen to be believed.†Dorine expounds on ruse after ruse that Tartuffe has used to fool the master of the house Orgon. The scene has 32 lines and ends with: â€Å"He said it was a sin to juxtapose / Unholy vanities and holy prose.†Act II, Scene 2: Second Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"Yes, so he tells us; and Sir, it seems to me / Such pride goes very ill with piety.†Dorine tries to convince Orgon that he should not impose marriage to Tartuffe upon his daughter. The scene has 23 lines and ends with: â€Å"Think, Sir, before you play so risky a role.†Act II, Scene 3: First Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"No, I ask nothing of you. Clearly, you want / To be Madame Tartuffe, and I feel bound / Not to oppose a wish so very sound.†Dorine sarcastically endorses Tartuffe as a brilliant catch of a bridegroom for Marianne. The scene has 13 lines and ends with: â€Å"His ears are red, he has a pink complexion / And all in all, he’ll suit you to perfection.†Act II, Scene 3: Second Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"Ah no, a dutiful daughter must obey / Her father, even if he weds her to an ape.†Dorine tortures Marianne with a predictive description of her life as Tartuffe’s wife. The scene has 13 lines and ends with: â€Å"To the drone of bagpipes- two of them, in fact, / And see a puppet show or an animal act.†Act II, Scene 4 The scene begins with: â€Å"We’ll use all manner of means, and all at once. / Your father’s addled; he’s acting like a dunce.†Dorine explains to Mariane and her betrothed ways to delay and ultimately avoid marriage to Tartuffe. The scene has 20 lines and ends with: â€Å"Meanwhile we’ll stir her brother into action / And get Elmire, as well, to join our faction.†Act III, Scene 1 The scene begins with: â€Å"Do calm down and be practical. I had rather / My mistress dealt with him- and with your father.†Dorine convinces Mariane’s brother Damis to abort his plan for exposing Tartuffe and follow hers. The scene has 14 lines and ends with: â€Å"Says that he’s almost finished with his prayers. / Go, now. I’ll catch him when he comes downstairs.†Resources A video of the complete stage play using the Richard Wilbur translation is available.Read more about Jean Baptiste Poquelin who took the stage name Moliere.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Promoting Positive Health Behaviors Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Promoting Positive Health Behaviors - Article Example Summary of Every Woman Matters Program The Every Woman Matters Program (EWM) was designed to promote preventive healthcare service to females. The specific preventive healthcare strategies aimed at were improved screening of breast and cervical cancer. To this end, the program targeted healthcare providers with an aim of promoting practice change in their operations. Consequently, the EWM program utilized the GAPS model procedure to device interventions within the healthcare provider practice (Backer et al. 2005). These interventions would be targeted at removing obstacles towards preventive breast and cervical cancer. As a result, the achievable goals set were; to increase public awareness pertaining to the risk of breast and cervical cancer. Moreover, it aimed to increase awareness on the benefits of screening. Furthermore, the program aimed at reducing the cost of screening to low income females. The practice based interventions employed were based on case studies conducted with s even individual practices. The core aims of the practice intervention were to; aid the practices identify obstacles pertaining to the delivery of screening services. Second, was to aid the practices in creating plans for mitigation of the barriers. Third was to promote the services of the EWM program to females from low incomes. Despite these well articulated goals, the EWM program fell short of achieving its core objective. Reasons for Ineffectiveness of the EWM Program The overall aim of the EWM program was to increase the level of breast and cervical cancer screening among healthcare practices. However, the program was not effective in achieving its objective due to myriad of reasons. Foremost, the practice change method for promoting EWM program lacked the sufficient support and leadership role by the leaders in the healthcare providers. The successful implementation of the goals for promoting preventive healthcare for women requires the motivational factor and sense of leadersh ip from heads of practices. Consequently, the program was ineffective since the momentum for promoting the program was not spearheaded by some of the leaders across the practices. A second plausible reason for the failure of the program was the insufficient level of teamwork between support staff and leader of the respective practices. Consequently, the lack of synergy in implementing the EWM program resulted in the over burdening of either the support staff or leaders. Third pertains to the issue of disparities in resources among the various healthcare practices. The healthcare practices all had different amounts of resources available to them based on their organizational capacities. Furthermore, the health care practices were operating within the limits of their resources. Consequently, additional resources for the EWM program were not sufficiently explored within the action plans for each healthcare practice. The fourth reason for the ineffectiveness of the EWM program was the i nsufficient public awareness creation mechanism pertaining to the need for screening. The need for successful increase in screening of breast and cervical cancer requires sufficient and mandatory public awareness. Consequently, the program was ineffective owing to insufficient efforts aimed at promoting community outreach through a variety of media such as increased free testing clinics and radio programs. Characteristics of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Assignment for Multimedia and Internet Development Essay
Assignment for Multimedia and Internet Development - Essay Example It is my concept to produce a simple yet interesting website that does not need fancy colors to decorate on. My motto is "matter over manner". It is better to have meaningful yet simple website than to have a very decorative but lousy website. The software that I used was Macromedia Dreamweaver. To be able to have an interactive design, I made Macromedia Flash Buttons that act as my navigation buttons. The navigation buttons that I have made are placed on the left side. This left pane is placed permanently that whenever you click the navigation bars, it will never move. I also included a time and date pane with an updated time that shows seconds. For more interactive design, I included QuickTime applications that will play the music videos that I got from the internet. I coded it properly with right positions in the website so that it will not be disturbing to look at if people will view my website. I also put a banner that shows the logo and the wonderful picture of my favorite band , U2. For the photographs, the software that I used was PhotoShow. On the over-all design, I put graphic interchange format or GIF pictures so that there will be lots of animation. At the end of the page, I made a "Contact Us" pane so that if ever m website will be posted, people will be able to reach me through direct link. Also it will be a big help that I put it because I may be able to receive feedback. It is very important in communication the element of feedback because through feedback, there will be a continues flow of communication. In simple terms, there will be interaction. I think when crating a website, we should give such panes because there will be interactive communication among us and the viewers. Also in that reason, the viewers may enjoy viewing our websites. Storyboard U2 Homepage I. Index or Home Page A. Website Banner (U2 Logo and Picture) B. Left Unmovable Pane 1. Navigation Bars (Macromedia Flash Buttons) a. Home b. Gallery c. Album d. Songs e. Videos f. Contact Us C. Content 1. U2 Biography (Heading 1) a. Content b. Photograph of U2 with photo swapping c. Content d. Photograph of U2 e. Names of the band Members (Heading 2) II. Gallery A. PhotoShow application III. Album A. Photo Album (Heading 1) B. Photographs with scroll functions IV. Songs A. U2 Song (Heading 1) B. Animated GIF's C. Song Clips 1. With or Without You (mp3) 2. I still haven't Found What I am Looking For (mp3) 3. Where the Street have No Name (mp3) V. Videos A. U2 Video Clips (Heading 1) B. Animated GIF C. QuickTime Supported Logo D. Video Clips a. One b. Desire c. Vertigo d. With or Without You VI. Contact Us A. Thank you for visiting our site (Heading 2) B. Contact Us (Heading 1) C. Animated GIF D. Fill-in Space E. Buttons 1. Submit 2. Clear Website Review The main emphasis of the website is my fondness of the band U2. I decided to choose the software Macromedia Dreamweaver so that I can incorporate Macromedia Flash Applications. My goal here is to make an evaluative and persuasive website that will entail my viewer's interest in knowing me. By using Macromedia application, the task was not that hard to perform but of course, there are certain incapacities that I may not be able to do. There is also alternative software applications is doing this website but I guess, the most valuable would be
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 Essay Example for Free
Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 Essay Methamphetamine commonly referred as meth or crystal has been a real and growing problem in the United States. Many of us don’t realize that meth is the most addictive drug worldwide. The main ingredients of meth, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, are found in cold medicine. Relatively cheap and easy to get methamphetamine destructively affect your brain. It releases dopamine (the brain’s principal pleasure chemical) which boost up your energy, and as describe by many addicts in the movie:†it gives you a euphoric rush†¦and it’s a good feeling†(Woman in trailer). Meth can be obtained from household products, this dangerous process is called shake and bake since it consists of mixing ingredient that were never meant to be mix. The use of such drug affect your physical appearance and ruin your life whether on a personal or social level. The reason is after several hit the consummation of meth is the only activity that bring you joy out life. The effect are so devastative that an addict suggest that it should be wipe off the surface of earth. The methamphetamine epidemic started in Portland Oregon and its spreading to the West Coast of America. Surprisingly the people being affected by the drug are often college students, truck drivers and bikers. Researches have shown that it became an extended issue in the 1990’s. The meth epidemic represents a social issue because it is the leading cause in property crimes, children in foster care, sexual abuse, domestic violence and identity theft†¦. Effects of meth epidemic on social institutions The destructive effects of meth epidemic on family are undeniable. The harm caused by methamphetamine is so deep that an addict stated: â€Å"In all reality, I think they need to take a bomb and blow it all up†. It is painful to see the life and joy being eat out of a community. The story of Debbie Vick illustrates child endangerment. In fact children are sent to foster care in large number because of addicted parents unable to take care of their kids. High and under the effect of the stimulant, it is not uncommon for family members to be sexually abused by meth addicts. Unfortunately meth doesn’t only affect the users’ mental but it also significantly deteriorate their physical appearance. Deputy Bret King reported that a fairly appealing young woman, Theresa Baxter, looked 20 years older than she actually was and her teeth went missing. While methamphetamine only brings desolation among civilian what is being done to stop the spreading of this epidemic. The government has in some way aggravated the meth situation by its procedure. Although we can see that the police is very active at tracking down meth labs and meth addict more actions can and need to be taking toward resolving this issue. Quaalude showed us that if the proper measures are taken meth can be definitively eradicated. Initiatively a bill required for distributors of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine to verify the identities of their customers in order to control the consumers of those ingredients. The government ultimately finds opposition in the pharmaceutical industry because the bill was economically at their disadvantage. How can a sick soul find remedy if it cannot recognize that it needs treatment!!! It is the same for politics. As far as they are concerned meth is not an epidemic. Methamphetamine represented such low priority for them that no funds were going toward monitoring the key ingredients of meth shoppers. Dealing with heroin, cocaine or gangs was considerably more important although legislators in Oregon resurrected the idea that buyers of products with pseudoephedrine register at the store counter. Congress is completely aware that to terminate this problem they have to get to the roots which are companies providing key ingredients of meth. In order to address the issue Congress is considering the Combat Meth Act that will put pseudoephedrine under lock in store nationwide. However passing the Combat Meth Act promise to be more difficult than they thought. The cold medicine factories is estimated to be approximately a 3 billion money maker in the United States. Why would the pharmaceutical companies put their profit at risk by allowing the key ingredient of meth to be strictly regulated? In a market system where the rule of the game is to make money they will do anything necessary to stop any bill that will in some way affect negatively their industries. The fact that they made sure the bill was amended to exempt cold medicine clearly illustrates how they remain indifferent to the devastative effects of meth in the lives of so many Americans. Technology was at the base of detecting methamphetamine as a social issue. The advances in technology allowed us to explain the effects of meth in the human brain as it releases a huge amount dopamine. Researchers have shown that by putting the stimulant over and over in your brain it results in an inability to experience pleasure in your own, this is one of the main reasons addicts get back to using. What is the role of the media in this situation? Is he keeping us in the dark and not informing about what is happening? The Oregonians are well informed about meth sweeping across America and their own community. The media in Oregon Portland is doing a good job at exposing the issue to them. The impact of meth on the people of Oregon made the top actualities on Oregon new reported the narrator. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for the rest of the country. People being interviewed for example In D. C would often say:†Methamphetamine? I don’t know what it is (Rep. Brian Baird). While the epidemic was spreading politicians closed their eyes on the issue and population of affected states remained ignorant of the danger. The film depicts two faces of medicine regarding meth epidemic. On one side are the pharmaceutical companies that refuses to collaborate with the DEA toward finding a solution to the problem. We have seen that although the Meth Epidemic Act was put in place to control the purchase of the key ingredient in meth, pharmacist would compromised themselves and sell the ingredient in quantity. As the movie mentioned it the rule of the game is to make money and sell products. However we cannot overlook the good side of medicine. In Oregon innovative treatment programs helps the addicts trough the phase of detoxification. Certain centers often allow addicts to keep their child because they believe that the presence of a family member would motivate patients to get clean. Consider that most of the patients being treated for burns due to hazardous experiences in meth lab had no insurances it represented a deficit for the hospitals. Reflection I really enjoyed watching the Meth Epidemic film. In some way I feel like I am more informed and conscious about what is really going on in the world around me. In complete honesty I was not aware that such drug even existed. The movie clearly defined methamphetamine as far the most addictive drug in the United States and it is frightening to realize its destructive effects in the lives of countless families. Meth has become a personal concern when I learned that those being affected are mainly college students, truck drivers and athletes. As a student I cannot close my eyes on the fact that meth has been the cause of so many bright youth wasted in this decade. Meth is considered as a social and economic problem. This stimulant has accumulated over one and half millions addicts over the past years. The desolating part of it is that meth is so easy and cheap to get. In reality it has been show that most people will get the ingredient from their household products and cook it by the process commonly referred as â€Å"shake and bake†. Under the effect of such destructive drug, meth addicts turn violent and become unstable. The film discussed in depth the many issues that come along with this addiction. As far as family is concerned, meth is the leading cause for children in foster care and sexual abuse. However it doesn’t stop there property crimes and identity theft also represent other way for them to feed their addictions. I think the harm caused by the addicted parents can never be erased of the minds of those traumatized children. It is very likely for those meth orphans to lose themselves in the process. In my opinion the foster care system can’t really assure them the chance to a good future or a safe and loving home. In addition to that insecurity could be one of the consequence of property crimes or sexual abuse. This movie truly opened my eyes and the most shocking part was the insensitivity of the Pharmaceutical Companies. It is disturbing that money drives our actions and takes away any bit of humanity we could have left in ourselves!!! Pharmaceutical companies and politics play a very important role in this problem. Indeed the key ingredient for meth (ephedrine or pseudoephedrine) is found in cold medicine. While these companies are opposing to the strict regulation of these ingredients communities and families are suffering from the loved ones addicted to this drug. My personal experiences have thought me that people often resort to drugs when they are going through depression, stress or loneliness. Family support would help them look the other way and find reasonable solutions to their problem. Desperate diseases require desperate remedies. Thereupon the government should ensure that only customers with a prescription (signed by a certified physician) have access to medicine with ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. Meth can ruined someone’s life in a blink of an eye, a little inconvenience for people with cold is a small step to prevent meth epidemic. Meth also enters the country by the intermediary of drugs cartels in Mexico, The supervision at the border needs to be reinforced in order to stop their traditional smuggling. I believe that politic plays a crucial role in stopping the epidemic. However the politicians, as leaders, have to admit that meth is a major problem. Congress needs to cooperate with the DEA instead of making so difficult for them to their jobs. They should put back the regulation requiring a license to pseudoephedrine pills. They should fund the DEA in effort of tracking down meth dealers. It is clear that cold medicines bring a lot of profits for pharmaceutical companies. One of the argument presented by their spokesman is the availability of the ingredient for the American customer or the inconvenience for those with cold. I would suggest for them to research an alternative for ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. This way pharmaceuticals industries would still make money selling cold medicines, the DEA would have a peace of mind when it comes to dealing with meth and finally the American public would still have their cold reliever. People rely on the media for information about specific details of the happenings around them. The Oregonian newspaper set a good example of should be done. The media needs to insert the reality of meth in our daily lives so we can be aware of its danger. Meth epidemic need to make the headlines of our news nationwide for us to understand the urge to take action and stop the spread of the epidemic. Portland Oregon is not the only are area being affected by the meth epidemic. The statistics demonstrate that it is spreading to the east coast. More rehabilitation center is needed across the country to support the meth addicts. The pharmaceutical industries should collaborate with the DEA for the well-being of our society especially for the protection of our youth.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Andrew Jacksons Campaign to Destroy the Bank of the United States Essa
When Andrew Jackson decided to make his veto message regarding the Bank of The United States on July 10, 1832 one thing was on his mind: killing the Bank of The United States forever! This one event was the fuel Jackson used for his reconstruction of the U.S. It all started to unravel during his election of 1828. Several different "sects" within the different states were teaming up with one another to form a coalition of discontent for the President and his reconstruction. Like Thomas Jefferson before him, Andrew Jackson was a tried-and-true defender of American freedom committed to nothing so much as breaking the knot of political corruption and restoring integrity to republican institutions. With the shattering and affirming dimensions of presidential action so well coordinated in his initial claim to legitimacy, Jackson's invoking of original understandings bore the makings of an entirely new government and politics. This dependent authority to disclaim would prove to be Jackson's most remarkable leadership resource. Yet, Jackson did not simply repeat Jefferson's performance, the essential elements of their shared leadership posture being reshaped by the worldly changes that intervened between their presidencies. Jackson's early course of action suggests that he would have liked nothing more than to have led in the expansive manner of Jefferson. Reasons for this difference between these two reconstructions are not difficult to separate since both witnessed dramatic changes in both state and society. It is here-with an acknowledging authority bearing down on a more forceful set of institutions and a more complicated policy- that the two faces of Andrew Jackson merge into one. In this final analysis there is no c... ...ress, the Court, the cabinet, the states, the party, and the electorate. The executive officer gained political foundations positively more independent than it had enjoyed before, and a new regime of governmental commitments and political priorities held convinced. In the process of moving behind his campaign to destroy the bank, Congress had begun to see for itself the special attractions of the new system. Democrats now criticized the President's efforts to control the state banks through national regulation as identical to the imposition of a new national bank. In effect then, Jackson had merely substituted one irresponsible and uncontrollable financial system for another. Jackson left office just as the new order was taking on a political life of its own. It was left to his successor to brush aside his failed experiment while affirming his basic course.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Audience Analysis and Reception Essay
Knowing the audience needs, are important to communicate effectively. In the workplace, knowing the needs helps us to explain the what, why, how, who, and when we can provide productivity in the workplace. In this report, I would like to inform my manager, about why we need another maintenance technician and certain tools for the Maintenance Shop. In this formal letter to management, what would be the need for a maintenance technician and certain tools needed to perform tasks.†What†being the problem, and the steps we must take to achieve this goal. My report will include ways to save in order to allow capital to be saved to allow an extra payroll. Safety issues due to the lack of an extra employee, and how we can get more productivity done within the company. Understanding, that this report must be formal, I must be sure to use the proper language, tone, and content. Because this report is to be written to manage I must also provide evidence, facts, and personal experie nce to support my claim. Providing a plan to reach these goals will help me to better explain the â€Å"where†, I am trying to help the company. By explaining, how the addition of more tools, and a maintenance technician would benefit the company. This can further express the needs of the two to management. Also, providing a map of the tasks that will be accomplished, and a timeframe in which they will be completed helps to explain how it would also be beneficial for the company. Not considering the audience needs can lead to communication lost, or the inability to interact effectively with the receiver of the message. The content of the report will not answer the question of what is the problem, how can we solve the problem, what steps are needed to solve the problem, where we can find the resource to fix the problem, and why we should take these steps to accomplish other tasks. Formal reports should be written in formal. At this time, the claim that we are making should be supported with evidence, facts, and personal experience to be taken as factual information. The content of the report should focus on the needs of the audience, and the steps that are needed to solve the problem. Sources: The five W’s An old tool for the new task of audience analysis-ProQuest (). Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy .apollolibrary.com/docview/2200989762/fulltext/13DA2†¦
Saturday, November 9, 2019
African American and Conflicting Perspective Essay
Every individual has a perspective on things in life and their personal idea of the truth. These are universal concepts and are widely seen in ted Hughes poems â€Å"birthday Letters†. Birthday letters is a set of poems, said to have been written by Hughes for six years prior to his death, on his ex wife’s birthday each year this the selection of poems being called birthday letters. The selection on poems surrounds his problematic marital issues between himself and his wife Sylvia Plath. It is also to show the conflicting perspective on their relationship. This is mainly towards the criticism he received all those years after her suicide. He had been blamed for being the catalyst for her suicide/death and so began a collection of poems regarding their relationship but in some way, excusing himself and explaining that she was already on a destructive path. Through two of his poems, Fulbright scholars and the shot, an understanding of the poems have thrown lighten the concepts of conflicting perspectives. Two other complementary texts such as letters from two jima and to kill a mockingbird convey conflicting perspectives however on issues such as racial discrimination and the perspectives of an opposing country that has been marked as enemies. Fulbright scholars are the first poem in the birthday letters collection. Hughes here tries to remember how he met her and first know of her existence. He does this whilst looking at a picture that was taken at university, when he was a naive young man. He ponders about her throughout the poem trying hard to delve into his psyche hopelessly to recollect something about her when they met at a party. This can be noted by the quote â€Å"were you among them? †which refers to the picture of Fulbright scholar. In terms of conflicting perspectives, the e poem can also be seen as a text that he wrote implicating how difficult it is t recall that first meeting, however he begins to explain his perspective of Sylvia Plath. He says â€Å"your exaggerated American grin for the cameras†which referred to her as someone with false appearances. The various techniques Hughes used to convey his ideas were the use of rhetorical questions such as â€Å"were you among them? †, the repetitions of the word maybe and the use of the I persona, and metaphors such as the â€Å"first fresh peach†. Rhetorical questions he used as a means of asking himself how he met her and what she first looked like to him. The metaphor ‘delicious peach†can be said to be another way to say she was the first girl he â€Å"ever tasted†, in terms of the experience of truly liking someone who seemed special to him. Reputation is used throughout the poem of maybe can be analyzed as a way of trying to remember what he saw of her and his knowing of her existence. The ‘I’ persona is an important tool in terms of Hughes alluding to the very personal nature of his reflection. The poem ‘the shot’ is also one from the collection and conveys Plath as someone different to what her fans saw her to be. As he says that she was deceitful in terms of appearance of a good and decent person/poet. In the poem, the shot is a metaphor of Plath being bullet shout out a gun. It can also e sad that Hughes thinks that he was the one shot. Hughes perspective on paths â€Å"destructive path†is one that she has always been on, saying that she was already a bullet long before she has met him. Followers of Plath as a victim view him as a catalyst for her suicide but in the poem he tries to explain that she was already suicidal as she tried to commit suicide when she was younger. The use of word â€Å"daddy†is one of great importance as it refers to her childish attachment to her father. This is also the title of her famous poem daddy. Hughes also explains that from his perspective, that he himself has become the father figure that she had ways been looking for. Overall, the concept of the two poems depict conflicting perspectives through analysis of ted Hughes’ birthday letters. The text letters from Iwo jima is similarly to birthday letters, a conflicting perspective however of the Japanese however of the Japanese soldiers during the American invasion of to two jima in ww2. It depicts their perspective throughout the turbulent time, showing that even were still human beings with the same universal feelings. Clint eastwood directed the film letters from Iwo Jima in 2006, trying to show an American or non Japanese audience their side of the story or their perspective. Here, a conflicting perspective is shown. Throughout the film, eastwood wants us to empathise with the Japanese perspective f the same terror and emotions that the Americans felt at that time too. The main character is a young Japanese soldier called saigo who is little enthused on fighting and going to war. This is all seen through techniques eastwood input such as flashbacks- which were important in the film. The audience is then able to see how the soldiers were like before the war and what it was like for them when they got conscripted. Their reflections are a huge part in their conflicting perspective and also a great important technique is the Japanese language. Eastwood used the language to give a strong sense of ethnicity and strong sense of tradition. To kill a mocking bird written by Harper lee in 1960 conveys the conflicting perspectives of the treatment of African Americans in Alabama. This conflicting perspective is seen through the eyes of a young white girl, rather than n African American person. The text shows her view o the racial discrimination against the Negroes and the treatment, prejudice and violence they receive. The event takes place that’s how a conflicting perspective is the court case scene, where an African American man is accused of raping a young white girl. The perspective here is not only through the girl, Scout Finch, but also her father Atticus finch which is the lawyer defending the accused. However he took on a case he know that with all the racial discrimination and prejudice around, he would inevitable lose. The fact that he took on the case shows a conflicting perspective of a white American man who has no prejudice against African Americans. The daughter scout finch views the situation on a different level as well as she was basically raised by African American woman and didn’t judge her, as many people did in Maycomb County. She begins to see and understand the prejudice and discrimination when the man is accused of rape as the majority people did not like his race at that time. It was seen as stereotypical to blame him for the rape. The conflicting perspective here is that the perspective o a young white American and her family on the treatment the Negroes received. It can be said that harper lee wanted the audience to challenge their beliefs and see events from the perspective of a young child who is horrified by the treatment of the Negroes.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Make a Pharaohs Snake Firework
How to Make a Pharaohs Snake Firework Pharaohs snakes or Pharaohs serpents are a type of small firework in which a lighted tablet exudes smoke and ash in a growing column which resembles a snake. The modern version of this firework is the non-toxic black snake. Pharaohs snakes produce a more spectacular display, but they are toxic so this firework is only produced as a chemistry demonstration. If you have the materials and a fume hood, you can make your own Pharaohs snakes. Safety First Although Pharaohs snakes are considered a type of firework, they do not explode or emit sparks. They burn on the ground and release smoky vapors. All aspects of the reaction can be hazardous, including handling the mercury thiocyanate, breathing the smoke or touching the ash column, and contact with the remains of the reaction during clean-up. If you perform this reaction, use appropriate safety precautions for dealing with mercury. Making Pharaohs Snakes This is an extremely simple firework demonstration. All you need to do is ignite a small pile of mercury(II) thiocyanate, Hg(SCN)2. Mercury thiocyanate is an insoluble white solid which can be purchased as a reagent or can be obtained as a precipitate by reacting mercury(II) chloride or mercury(II) nitrate with potassium thiocyanate. All mercury compounds are toxic, so the demonstration should be performed in a fume hood. Typically the best effect is obtained by forming a depression in a shallow dish full of sand, filling it with mercury(II) thiocyanate, lightly covering the compound, and applying a flame to initiate the reaction. Pharaohs Snakes Chemical Reaction Igniting mercury(II) thiocyanate causes it to decompose into an insoluble brown mass that is primarily carbon nitride, C3N4. Mercury(II) sulfide and carbon disulfide are also produced. 2Hg(SCN)2 → 2HgS CS2 C3N4 Flammable carbon disulfide combusts to carbon(IV) oxide and sulfur(IV) oxide: CS2 3O2 → CO2 2SO2 The heated C3N4 partially breaks down to form nitrogen gas and dicyan: 2C3N4 → 3(CN)2 N2 Mercury(II) sulfide reacts with oxygen to form mercury vapor and sulfur dioxide. If the reaction is performed inside a container, you will be able to observe a gray mercury film coating its interior surface. HgS O2 → Hg SO2 Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Supply Chain Management Essay
Supply Chain Management Essay Supply Chain Management Essay Introduction Majors in supply chain management focuses on processes of excellence for the organization. Supply chain management focuses of the flow of information, services and goods that target at delivering maximum value to the organization’s customers. Supply management has the responsibility of supplying services and goods that the organization deals with to the customers. They also manage the transformation and conversion processes that target at converting input to output. Supply chain management functions within the scope of organizing, planning and controlling the flow of bought materials within the organization. The Majors gives close attention to the analysis and selection of vendors, price determination and value analysis. Supply chain Majors also have the responsibility of disposing surplus and scrap materials. It places emphasis on the efficient application and usage of transportation by the management of business within the framework of logistics. Supply chain manages resourc es, procurement, fabrication, production, storage and production. It consists of interconnected components, which are required for the transformation of ideas to delivered services and products. Through execution, Exel operated most part of the supply chain. These traditional activities lowered the costs of storing and moving products and improving the speed of delivery for HM. However, this represents a minute portion of the capabilities of the firm. Using the execution strategy, supply chain did not manage costs and opportunities available to customers. This included opportunities in the matching of supplies and demands. This is where the firm could manage the highest payoff. The planning function of supply chain has the potentials of enabling the firm attain its allocation and purchasing functions. Planning also ensures that the firm has better execution capabilities. Planning eliminates instances of the â€Å"just in case†behaviors that occur in ordering extra inventory. Planning has the potentials of ensuring that the firm’s shipments reach the customers on time. Planning confers deeper knowledge of supply chain, which would result to enormous savings. For instance, the lack of knowledge resulting from failures in execution would strain the firm in realizing the advantages of cost savings arising from consolidated trucks. Planning eliminates risks because of the expansion of the relationship between customers and the firm. Planning enables the exchange of greater stakes in the activities of the firm and its performance. Technology firms have approached Exel for a portion of its financial planning in order to increase their share of savings. Planning increases the confidence of the firm, which enables it exceed expectations. A clear understanding of the strategy will enable the firm move swiftly with its planning strategy. One of the executives at Exel noted that he needed to present a case for moving towards planning strategies for its supply chain. The ability of the execution team to execute the plans developed by the firm plays an enormous role in ensuring that the firm continuously develops creative planning strategies. Execution ensures the firm can lower the cost of storage and transportation and deliver products to customers effectively. The firm should become aware of the potentials of adding operations to its expertise, and to the customer is a planning function. The ability of ensuring smooth planning in allocation and purchasing requires the execution team performs effectively and understands its role. Planning and execution should be carried out jointly to ensure that nothing goes wrong in the supply chain. Professional essay writers at company can provide you with a high-quality custom essay on Supply Chain Management written from scratch!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Environmental science Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Environmental science - Research Paper Example The animals that inhabit this island are different from the ones that live elsewhere. This is because of the geographical isolation of the animals that have lived in these islands for centuries. This was what led to the development of the theories of the naturalist, Charles Darwin, who discovered that the differences in the species that lived on this island were entirely due to the isolation of these animals from other species elsewhere. The conservation of these unique species is the responsibility of the people who are associated with these islands. For instance, the conservationist, Bill Roberson, who is the president and founder of the organization, INCA (International Nature and Cultural Adventures), talks of the need for the people who are a part of the tourism industry in this area to inculcate in themselves a love for the area and the will to conserve them (inca1travel). This may be more than just a desire to conserve nature for the love of it. This may also be the result of calculated economic activity. The beauty of the Galapagos Islands results from the fact that it has intensely diverse flora and fauna. The reason as to why people visit these islands is entirely the presence of this diversity. The presence of penguins in an equatorial island itself indicates the diversity that boggles the mind of the tourist in this island. The fact that the conservation of this beauty is necessary for the continuance of the tourism industry remains an important point. The economic aspect of the conservation, however, does not lessen the importance of the role that is played by the tourism industry in the conservation of the beauty and environment of the Galapagos Islands. The reason as to why Darwin was able to create the theories that he did was the diversity in the number of finches that are present in the Galapagos Islands. There are seventeen kinds of finches on these islands and they contribute to the diversity of it. The differences in the finches were
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